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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, April 02, 2007

Hello All

I had a wonderful weekend. Issy and I went to Hermann, MO with the company of my husband. He was a real sweetheart and drove our tipsy butts around. I didn't think I had drank that much until I got home and laid down for just a few moments. In that time my husband went grocery shopping, came home, scared the dog into a barking fit, and Issy called me on the phone (which was clutched in my hot little hand). I heard none of it.

I might be a lush.

Sunday hubby and I went riding for the first time this year. It was perfect! Well, except for those bouts of hurricane force winds. I thought it was just warm enough, but hubby could have used a little more heat. Soon enough, I say to him. Soon enough.

Friday afternoon I went to pick up Chinese for my work force. Some asshole idiot cut me off and the #16 went flying through my car. It still smells like Kung Pow Chicken. So much so I had to have Chinese for lunch today. Now I'm over it.

Ta, y'all.


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