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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lori Drew

I haven't said anything about the woman named above because I have been too scatterbrained to get my thoughts in a row. If you're not familiar with the case here is a quick run down:

A girl named Megan was 13-years-old and having trouble. She belonged to the Myspace community and thought she'd met a young boy named Josh Evans. She talked with Josh a lot. Then his messages changed one day, telling Megan horrible things and saying horrible things about her. Megan took her life that day. Soon it was discovered Josh Evans was really a fictitious character created by Lori Drew and her child as a way to monitor what Megan was saying about them. Months after her death her family found out about this and it's been in the media since.

Lori Drew made a lot of mistakes. The first was thinking she was clever and mature enough to have children of her own. Second, she showed a horrible lack of judgment and an unbelievably irresponsible personality when she made Josh Evans and used him to spy on a child. Her largest mistake was making the comment, "I don't feel that bad after I found out Megan tried to commit suicide before." when asked about it. That's not a direct quote, but you get the idea. Not showing any remorse for her own actions or any sympathy for the family shows us just what type of person Lori Drew is.

She did not kill Megan and I know this. Megan took her own life, but we need to remember Megan was an impressionable 13-year-old with a history of depression. Lori may not have pushed her off the ledge but she contributed to her death all the same. The law says she did nothing wrong, there will be no charges brought against her because stalking laws need a serious revision.

However, the laws of humanity and fair play are taking an active part in this drama. Seems Lori Drew and her horrible family are now being targeted via the same method they used to target Megan. People have used the Internet to encourage others to vandalize the Drew family. Her name and address were all over the place days after this incident came to light. They are being treated...well....as they should be, I say.

This vicious bitch has no soul. Not for what she did, a lot of stupid, immature people would think making a fake person on Myspace to find information about someone else is a brilliant idea. No, this whore and her little devil-spawn are reaping what they sowed because of how they reacted. If they had come clean and shown a shred of remorse or sorrow we, the Internet community, might cut them a break. But the Cunt acted like she'd done nothing wrong, so now the Cunt is getting a big ol' bitch slap from reality.

I'm glad. When I read about the death-threats they've received it makes me happy. I imagine them huddled in their house dodging bricks and paint balls, screaming, and it makes me smile. I hope Lori and her daughter are haunted by this. I hope they have to move every 6 months when the current town they live in finds out what they did. I hope they need therapy for the rest of their lives, and that those lives are shortened by the stress and pain their decision has brought them. I hope the very mention of Myspace makes them sick to their stomachs. I hope they think of Megan every second of every day for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope the guilt builds and builds until they think of taking their own lives. When they are down like that I hope someone tells them the world will be better off without them (something they told Megan) so they can see how it feels.

I have no sympathy for the Drew family. Anything that happens to them is deserved. I only wish people like the Drew family were a rarity in this society, but alas they are not. That is sadder than anything else.

Read more here
and here.


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