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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That's Just Whack

I've recently heard that in order to ease our over-crowded prisons the US is mulling over a plan to release hundreds, if not thousands, of people serving time for crack possession/sale.


Um, excuse me if I'm wrong, but liquor stores and gas stations have never been robbed by someone high on pot. Wives and children don't get beaten/killed/sold by those who are stoned. A person smoking a joint has never gone crazy and taken it out on the general public. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people in jail for pot possession/sale. But oh no, those dangerous criminals need to stay put, we'll just let all the crack-heads go free.

What is wrong with us! Crack users have proven to be useless, violent, and repeat offenders, but by all means let's just let them loose. How fucked up is this country? Honestly!


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