
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What a weekend!

I had a very nice weekend. It started on Friday when I realized we'd been snowed in. The guys who scrape our street like to pile the snow right in front of my drive-way. Thanks, guys!

Friday was spent sleeping and worrying. Thursday night's derby practice had been canceled due to the weather. I had my skills test last night (Monday), I needed to get in a last practice. So Friday night I called up a few of the derby newbies and made a date to skate. Only M showed up but it was nice. I got my dodging practice in, that's for sure! Damn preteen punks....

Saturday was Mardi Gras! Some of you know I used to go to my friend Marilyn's house for Mardi Gras. After her death Mardi Gras has never been the same. This year, however, I was in the parade. That made a world of difference! We roller girls walked with the KSHE vans, throwing beads and giving the public a peek at our lusciousness. It was so much fun! Next year we derby girls are going to have our own float, that's all there is to it. The parade went by so fast, it only lasted a few minutes in my mind.

After the parade I went in search of Issy. I told her I'd see her at the parade - right! All I saw were heads and boobs, so I went to her friend's house and there she was. She looks great! She had a massive collection of beads, too. Them new puppies were working. I stumbled home around 4. My dear husband thought it would be a great idea to have White Castle....the house will never be the same.

Sunday was Superbowl. Oh, excuse me, Suuuuuuuuuuperboooooooooowl! I really didn't care who won when the game started. After it got going I started rooting for the Giants. I was so happy when they won. Suck that, Pats! We met my father-in-law's new girlfriend and she's a peach. I've never seen my FIL head over heals, it was nice. I found myself drinking again, how odd is that?

In the back of my mind hovered the skills test Monday night. Like a lurking butler it made itself known but just out of reach. Then Monday came and I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't really eat anything yesterday, my stomach had had enough from Sat. and Sun. Stress was the last straw, my stomach went on strike. I drank water like it was illegal all day and tried to relax. By the time 7pm rolled around I just wanted to get the damn thing over with.

My friend S was to take the test as well, but she found out yesterday she's torn a muscle in her knee and the doctor forbid her to skate. That was a bummer. But I soldiered on. First came the timed laps. I had to do 5 in under 1 minute. I did mine in 58 seconds. Then we set up the track for weaving and jumping. I didn't do too badly in those two areas, I could have gone a little faster but I didn't want to fall. Then we started the knee falls...

The object of knee falls is to be able to get up without using your hands. I can do this, just not very quickly. Last night I went a little too fast with the one knee falls and touched the ground twice. Damn. Then we had the two knee falls and I did all right, again not very quick but I didn't fall. Nope, I saved all my falling for the turn-around toe stops. Basically a turn-around toe stop is this: you go in one direction, you turn around, and you use your toe stops to stop. Sounds easy, right? Not for me! I flailed around like a fish out of water. It was really embarrassing. I recovered for our last event, pack skating. We had to skate around the rink in a pack keeping up with the lead person who was setting the pace. In that I rocked!

The 20 minutes between taking off my skates and getting my score was the longest 20 minutes of my life. Finally they told me I passed. There are some things I need to work on, obviously, but I passed. Oh, the relief!! I can stop eating, sleeping, and shitting skills test. Now I get to spend the next three months having the veterans knock me on my ass and beat the crap out of me. This ends when I take my bout test. After I pass the bout test I can be drafted to a team. I'm thinking in a good 5 - 6 months I'll finally be an official roller girl.

But I don't want to think about that right now. I want to bask in the glory of reaching my first goal.

My mom said an amazing thing to me. I called her Saturday and she said, "Don't worry about your skills test. When you work this hard for something you always come out on top." Wow, when a stranger says that it's just "eh, thanks," but my mom knows me, she's seen me pass and fail a lot of things. For her to say that was such a boost for me. I knew I could do it then. Thanks, mom.

So, now, back to work.


Blogger Issy said...

God you did have a full weekend!

Hey, question for ya. . . are you finding that with going to practice and holding a full time job that you are having to schedule daily tasks like picking up around the house and making sure that your clothes match before you go to work? I know that sounds fruit but keeping busy and active means like you said more energy. I've been flitting around the house and picking out my outfit for work the night before so that I have time. Dishes are getting done and laundry is NEVER piled up anymore. You know me, my house and my "family". . .that just doesn't happen!

I'm glad you passed. That is a great accomplishment and the fact that you've pursued this out on your own because of an interest your whole life that you've had with this, you should be proud that you succeeded. Now you need to give me a schedule as to when your bouts are so that I can come in and watch you kick some ass!

12:16 PM  
Blogger justin said...

i sometimes shoot for the detroit derby girls.
here's a link

you guys definitely put in your work

12:35 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Hey, thanks, Justin.

Issy, yes, I find things are getting done a lot quicker, but I also find things piling up. Like my mail, I have a stack I need to go through.

I didn't skate last night, the first time in a while, and I kept feeling like I had something I should be doing. Oh God, I can't be idle anymore!!!

11:47 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Wow, Justin, I just looked at your photos. Good job. I love looking at girls from other leagues. Do you have much to do with the derby? If you're ever in St. Louis look us up, we'd be happy to take you out and pump you for informa...I mean have a good time:-)

11:52 AM  

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