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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm not picking on Christians....But....

Those of you who insist Christianity is non-violent and loving, read this.

Nailing teenage boys and girls to crosses on Good Friday sounds a bit, oh, CRAZY! I haven't read the bible front to back, but didn't God nail his kid to the cross so we wouldn't have to?

Then we have this family, who let their little girl die instead of getting medical treatment because they believed praying over her would cure her. Fucking idiots! If God wanted prayer to work he wouldn't have created medicine and doctors, right? I mean, that's not how I look at it but we're not dealing with a couple of scholars here. Nowhere in the bible have I seen "seeking medical attention for your children is a sin." C'mon! How are people this stupid even allowed to breed? I guess they think letting their little girl suffer unimaginable pain and dying a slow, agonizing death will get them into heaven.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

That is insane. Makes me glad i was not born in the Philipines.

As for the couple who thought prayer would heal their child, agreed, they should NOT be breeding. Make me glad that I was not born to idiot parents. The sad part is that I'm sure the suffering and death of their child, in their minds was gods will and/or that there was something wrong with them that their prayers did not work.

This is a problem I have with how many people handle religion. Even if they do not go to the extremes of these people, God is always the excuse and if things don't go right, then it's a fault in themselves.

And since the subject of "faith-healing" has been brought up... The leaders of this church of theirs or the televangelists on TV saying they can cure AIDS through the TV; they should really be all locked up for fraud.

Nobody is really being healed, they are misleading people. If you are I came up with some kind of advice or ointment, pill or whatever, claiming it can cure X, Y, Z when it simply does not, we'd be locked away. But if we do it under the cloak of "religion", well they apparently it's okay.

These dumbass parents are getting nailed for child-abuse as well they should be. But what about their church that tells them and many, many other people that going to doctors is bad, that you should pray over sick people and whatever way it falls that's "God's will"

"God's will" best excuse ever told. Responsibility is so cumbersome these days anyhow.

12:29 PM  

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