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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Pharmacist's and the Pill

Ohio is trying to pass legislation that will allow pharmacists to dispense medication at their discretion. Meaning if your pharmacist doesn't want to give you your birth control pills, he doesn't have to. And the state will back them up.


This is America, right, land of the FREE? When you enter a profession like pharmacology, you have to know that you are an unbias, impartial person doing a job. Your religious, moral, and ethical convictions don't matter. Who's next, doctors? Will they be allowed to only treat patients who share their religion? Will they be allowed to refuse aid to malpractice lawyers? Then what, our teachers will be able to pick and choose who they educate? Restaurants will be able to refuse patrons?

Aren't we trying to stamp out racism and prejudice? This is so fucking ridiculous I can't believe I have to talk about it. If you have a problem with rape victims taking the Morning After pill, become a trash collector. If you're such a religious nut, become a preacher. If you want to tell other people how to live their lives, become a politician.

Pharmacists: You take an oath to help people with their health. The doctor's who prescribe these medication have done so for a reason, it is not your business to question it. Any pharmacist who steps up on a self-righteous pedestal should be shot on sight and buried in an unmarked grave. You are not God. You are not a representative of God. You don't even know God. Do your job and shut the fuck up.

Let me say this, and I mean it: If my pharmacist were to refuse to give me my birth control pills, I would wait for him in the parking lot and beat him unconscious. Then I would cut off his genitalia, because a person like that shouldn't reproduce. If he wants to take away my right to choose, I'll take away his right to have sex. Fair's fair, bitches.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

AWESOME! You checked it out. So they are still trying on that in Ohio. I thought so. If they do, they whole fucking state should be set on fire.

Simply put if there is something about your job (dispensing birth control pills) that your religion won't let you do, then guess what... go into a different profession.

The only up side is that since the days of the independent pharmacy are pretty much gone I have a hard time seeig the big companies (CVS, Walgreens, etc) allowing their pharmasists to pull this shit for too long. There wil be a backlash.

12:35 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

but hey remeber what state was that in that kmart didn't do anything to the pharmasist who refused to fullfill a birth controll Rx.
they pull the violate my right to freedom of religion crap, but what about my right to medical RX. And for some women the pill is taken for medical reasons then just preventing pregnagies. Who are they to judge me and to decide my health or the health of others or if (or when) the health of further others. They have no right to not dispense what a doctor has order for no what reason.

12:54 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...


Mississippi enacted a sweeping statute that went into effect in July that allows health care providers, including pharmacists, to not participate in procedures that go against their conscience

1:00 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

"South Dakota and Arkansas, have passed laws that explicitly protect pharmacists who refuse to fill birth-control prescriptions on moral or religious grounds."

1:04 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

I think at the very least if this is, in fact, going to turn into a reality all across the board, the pharmacies who choose to harbor such religious freaks should have to post a sign stating that they work there so the sane non-biased people in search of drugs can take their business elsewhere. I can't take the pill, but if I knew my pharmacist was withholding it from others I would definitely go to another pharmacy.

Bottom line: if you are a religious nut-job who thinks it's his/her business to control what others do, then you should stay out of professions where your morals might be compromised.

This makes my head hurt.

4:52 PM  
Blogger HippyMonkey said...

Amen to that, if someone took away my GF's pill, I'd kick his ass too

5:32 PM  
Blogger Jes said...

You know, Before G.W. was prez, I don't think anyone would have been trying this...and now they think they have a fucking mandate.

They will eliminate our ability to get prescriptions...first birth control, and then what? Necessary heart medications. You are taking peoples doctor prescribed drugs, and passing unqualified biblically based judgement on whether or not they need them. What is constitutional about this?

I hate fundies!

5:56 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

It's called Christo-Fascism. We need to start calling it for what it is.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Pharmacists. They don't want to dispense the Pill because they say it kills innocent babies. (ignoring the fact that the Pill prevents pregnancies, thus nothing to kill). So, in their minds, sex should be for procreation, huh?

Ok, if you are a Pharmacist who refuses to pass out birth control, then you should not be allowed to have sex unless it is for the reason of making a baby. If you have all the children you want, then you are forbidden to have sex at all. In fact, you should have to petition Congress for the right to have sex in the first place. You are putting their trust in Congress to tell the rest of us what to do, right? Why not have Congress tell you what to do as well?

What these Pharmacists, and everyone who supports them, are saying is that we, women, are too dang stupid and irresponsible to make up our own minds. I don't know about you, but I find that insulting and oppressing. I'm not going to take it. The "Pursuit of Happiness" applies to both males and females, and that any law that gives pharmacists a right to limit my happiness is unconstitutional. I'll write, call, and email every single political person in this country if I have to. I'm going to have my voice heard. For those of you who feel that one person can't make a difference, remember that it only took one person to bring down senator McCarthy and end the reign of his American Red Scare.

If any one of you, male or female, find a pharmacist who refuses to dispense birth control, file as many complaints as you can. Make as much noise as you can. Let the companies know that you will not tolerate being treated like that, and that you are completely capable of going elsewhere.

This is the land of the free. Sometimes, you have to fight for it.

9:52 AM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

Of course those same pharmasists who refuse to fullfill birthcontroll rx have problems giving out viagra. what a double standard. And if a pharmasist ever refused to fullfill an Rx for me I wouldn't rest until they lost their job and would picket the store. (I would be tempted to also punch him or her, but then I would be sued or arrested.)

7:35 PM  
Blogger xodiaq said...

Notice here, the same Ultra Righties who try to ban the pill generally ALSO want to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Hmmm, are they going to pay for all the vasectomies, tubal ligations and forced adoptions that would result? Or limit reproduction like the do in China, by force?Can't have it both ways…

Besides, who has more pull in the end? Religious lobbies or Pharmaceutical lobbies? I hate living in DC, but apparently all of this pander to the right crap goes on everywhere.

Take a little comfort in the fact that not every pharmacist has their degree in Pharmacology from Bob Jones University.

9:44 PM  

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