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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Observers vs. Watchers

There are Observers in this world, and then there are Watchers. An Observer at work, for example, might watch me walk into the kitchen, get a cup, fill it with hot water, then sugar, and walk back out. A Watcher would see me do the same thing, but before I could reach the door would ask “What cha doin? You just gonna drank some sweet, hot water?”

To which I must explain myself. “Well, I have tea in my office downstairs, but seeing as I don’t have sugar or hot water, I’m forced to take it with me from the kitchen. Thus, when I arrive at my office, I can make a complete cup of tea.”


Watchers are Observers with control issues. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone I work with in regards to what I drink. It doesn’t affect my job. If I like to drink sweet, hot water it’s no one’s business but mine. But a Watcher must make it their business. They have to have an explanation. They are incapable of forming their own logical conclusions.

I’ve only met one polite Watcher in my life. This person would have said, “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice you adding sugar to hot water. May I ask what for?” I still don’t owe an explanation, but the polite manner in which the question was asked prompts me. Most Watchers are not polite. They’re demanding, selfish, and interrupt a lot. Watchers are not at all shy about becoming Tellers, either. As in, “Let me tell you what I think…”

I like to think of myself as an Observer. I’ve been guilty of being a sometime Watcher, but all in all, I try to keep my life out of other people’s business. Sometimes, the less I know the better. Sometimes I’ve found that keeping my mouth shut affords me more information.

I myself hate being watched. I especially hate being questioned while I’m being watched. It makes me violent. I am an adult, unless what I’m doing is hurting someone, it’s none of your damn business. If I find something funny, I am going to laugh without having to explain why. If I get up to leave, I don’t have to tell anyone where I am going. My actions are my own. I don’t care if you think I’m crazy, I’m living my own life, not yours.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Whatcha blooooooogin'?

hmmmm... nah, I guess that joke didn't work out too well.

I think I've only had one "Watcher" incident that I can think of at work.

I have a French Press for my coffee because the coffee I get myself is far better than what they have at work. My work's Coffee is okay, but I started this thing with my own coffee at my last job. We called their coffee "Ass-Bean Soup" or "Cup o' Ass-Bean".

Anyhow somebody did the same thing while I was getting hot water. Actually though, I don't recall caring that much about that.

So what about that. If I don't care that they watched-and-asked, does that make them less of a Watcher? Does their Watcherness depend on the disposition of the one being wathced?

Oh wait! Actually, there is another time was watched at work where I was "Watched"

I've been using my semi-new digital camera during my lunch break. There is a nice trail around the building at work. Not super-great, but nice. And there are these lizard/salamander things you can see if you watch out for them. They are about as long as the tip of your pointer finger to the bottomm of your palm.

Anyway, I was taking pictures and was on my way back to the building. I saw one of the security guys coming my way and I had a pretty good guess why. He approached me and asked if I was an associate. He was nice and cool the whole time. He didn't even say I couldn't take pictures, just that they saw on the cameras that I had a camera back and need to check it out.

Of course this is completely understandable. Now that I think of it, I guess he wouldn't be a Wacther so much as he's just a guy doing his job. Or is it his job to be a Watcher?

9:19 PM  
Blogger Pecheur said...

Thank ya much for stoppin' by. I show do appreshiate it.

Nice little blog you got yourself here. Don't be surprised if I drop in every now and again. Maybe we can enjoy some sweet tea. Talk at cha later. Its good to know ya.

10:37 AM  

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