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Friday, May 06, 2005

President Bush is a Bastard

Yeah, that's right, I called the President a very nasty name, but the asshole deserves it. For right now, we still have the right to freedom of speach. That could change tomorrow.

I've just found out that the shitbag has
made a new rule. As found on CNN.com, "The last 58.5 million acres of untouched national forests, which President Clinton had set aside for protection, were opened to possible logging, mining and other commercial uses by the Bush administration Thursday."

What the hell is he thinking? I'll tell you, that the money to be made by selling off our natural resources is a hell of a lot more important than the environment. First, he made it possible for wild horses to be legally rounded up and sold for slaughter. Then, he opens Alaska for oil drilling. Now, he's sold off our forests. What's next?

How can any of you dumbasses that elected this prick to the White House live with yourselves? The moron can't see past his own needle, snot-filled nose. What kind of a world are we going to have in four years? Bush has already wiped his pampered ass with most of our rights, now we're going to lose our country. Bush doesn't care about any of you. His God is the almight dollar.

People, unless you want to end up like Tokyo we need protection from greedy, souless, clueless, and ignorant son's of bitches like Bush. It is an outrage that one man can have such a negative influence on the future of our resources. Yeah, our FUTURE. Once you cut a swath through a forest, it takes years for it to grow back. Once a concrete jungle is erected, it's very hard to undo.

I'm embarrassed that Bush represents this country. I refuse to accept him as a "Leader." He is Satan himself, bound and determined to bring this country to the brink of hell. Look around, our reputation has been destroyed. No one trusts us, other countries think we're dumbasses. Our status as a great country has been traded for the status of being a menevolent, overbearing, and evil empire. Even Russia thinks we're stupid.

Bush is a cancer and unless we get our heads out of our asses, this country will be comatose in no time. Impeach Bush!


Blogger Zee said...

Up here in the top left hand corner of the continental US, this has been an issue since his first term. Already they have started logging in our National Forests. It is very sick, and very sad that some people can't see past their own tired, pety, "moral values" ridden lives to see the big picture of what we are doing to future generations.
They paved paradise, indeed.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

why do you hate freedom?

9:08 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

pardom my back handed snarkiness, you know me... it's my way.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said something like. "Wildlife enthusiasts for Bush".. or something like that.

I hope that dipshit feels as betrayed as you are pissed... and then some.

me I'm pissed too... betrayed... of course not. You had to a fucking dumbass to not see this coming down the pike.

9:11 PM  

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