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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's Love - Make It Hurt

Another entry for the Biker's Journal...

Today sucked! (This was actually yesterday, but go with me here.) I woke up this morning extremely tired. I wrestled with my husband all night about his snoring. I tossed, turned, flung myself about, poked, and slapped at him for hours but he refused to wake up and stop the incessant roaring. I finally retired to the spare and had to do the same thing all over again with the cat. Luckily, he's a smaller opponent and lost rather quickly.

It was cold this morning. I put on my maxi-pants and little blue short-sleeved jersey, found my tennis shoes (how'd they get rammed behind the sofa like that?) We loaded up the bikes, the camel backs, the sun-block, and everything else and headed out towards the randevous point. This ride was taking place in the city, exactly one exit away from our house. The parking lot was crammed. Schnuck's, the grocery store attached to the parking lot, was not happy about the lack of parking spaces. We heard a customer arguing with the manager and it was only 9:30am. It was going to be a long day.

We parked, got our stuff together, and pretty soon some of honey's co-workers/friends showed up. M, a crazy die-with-my-bike-between-my-legs kind of guy, makes me nervous. Its not that I don't like him, its just that I feel very self-conscious when he's around. I got drunk at a party one night and talked to him for hours. I can't remember what I said, but now every time I say "Hi" to him he tries to crawl into a painting. He's stopped doing that now, but we're hardly close. P and S showed up, they are a married couple (P=male, S=female) who are really nice. But they are crazy die-with-our-bikes-between-our-legs people, too. They took the spin class with us and actually went back for more. We chat. We strip. We ride.

This ride started out very well. Aside from hubby and I having to stop again and again to adjust this or that, and the occassional call from a passing car, things were good. We rode almost the exact route we take to our house if we were in a car. Then we hit THE HILL.

THE HILL is capitalized because it's a mean, jagged son-of-a-bitch that nearly took both of us out. I started out with every intention of completing it, but I was walking my bike up THE HILL in no time, feeling really bad because hubby was sure to make fun of me. Then I saw hubby up ahead, sucking wind and walking his bike, too. We finally got to the top and couldn't speak for lack of oxygen. I've never actually felt that my lungs were going to explode before, but I was damn sure of it this time. All I could think was:
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die.

We got back on our bikes and rode down the hill on the other side. We had to stop for a red light and hubby said the most romantic word's I've ever heard save for when he proposed.

"You...wanna....just....go...(hack) home?"

We rode home, got in my car, went back to get his car, and then collapsed in the shower. We rode a grand total of 6 miles. I took a three hour nap.

It's become glaringly obvious that we are both a tad out of shape. Starting next week we will be getting up butt-early three days a week to ride in Forest Park. So, I can not gage the bitchiness of my future posts. It's quite possible I will call my husband every dirty word in the book, as well as some I've invented myself. Honey, please know its the fatigue talking. And my family will probably suffer a few nicks and scratches from my tongue, too. I'm of the school that misery LOVES company and intend to share.

On a good note, we saw "The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" this weekend. If you've read and enjoyed the books, you'll love the movie. If you have no idea what's going on, you'll hate it. There was a man there in his house robe and wearing a towel. No matter how much you love the book, don't dress like that. It was worse than a lobby full of storm troopers and overweight Darth Vader's.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I'd like to be able to ride my bike enough just to be considered "one of those people who will go into a coma with a bike between my legs"

BUt alas, I've lamented the bike/pedestrian hating of ATL so I digress.

Plus Mrs. The Hun says she'll wave and say "Bye, Bye, I'll see you when you get there and drive out to meet me"

Has she told you about her electric assisted bike? She should...

9:31 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

oh, btw....

"You...wanna....just....go...(hack) home?"

THAT'S the Mr. Barabarian I fell plutonically in love with!!!!

9:33 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Ahhhh yes, the infamous "Tybee Island" incodent.

1:45 PM  
Blogger frangelico77 said...

Ahhh, I know know that one. The "Tybee Island" story is my favorite story. (ok, might be the only one i remember about your hubby.) tell it again matto.............................

5:56 PM  

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