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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Infamous "Oh."

We've all heard it. We've all said it. The infamous "Oh." "Oh" can stand for many things, but I find the "Oh" usually stands for "Oh, you're right and I'm wrong, and I've just made a huge ass out of myself, but I'm not going to apologize because I don't like being wrong."

The "Oh" is insulting. It's usually uttered after one person has interrupted another, or, they have forgotten information that they were told. For example:

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going over to Jamie's to-"
"Why are you going to Jamie's? I told you we have company tonight!"
"Yes, I know. I'm going over to Jamie's to pick up the punch bowl-"
"Why didn't you do it yesterday? Why do you have to do it today?"
"Because Jamie just got back from vacation, remember?"

I hate the "Oh." If you make an ass out of yourself, if you attack someone or question their motives only to be shown you're doing so in error, be man/woman enough to say you're sorry. Admit you forgot, or didn't know, or didn't care, or whatever. Don't say "oh," and then dissapear around a corner. Saying "Oh" is conceited. It's pompous. It's telling everyone that you're too good to admit you've made a boo-boo. It's saying that you're so superior that you don't need to take responsibility for being a jerk.

To avoid saying "oh," stop interrupting people and listen to what they have to say. Stop jumping to conclusions. Stop making assumptions. Realize that you don't know everything, and that other people in this world have the freedom to move about without having to explain themselves to you. The less you question, the less likely you are to need the "Oh." And for God's sake, once you've been proven wrong, leave it alone already.

For example: "After years of fruitless searching, thousands of wasted dollars, millions of unanswered questions, never ending media coverage, ruining our reputation, and ending innocent lives, we've found not one lick of evidence that suggests Iraq ever had weapons of mass destruction, Mr. President."



Blogger Matto the Hun said...


9:40 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

oh!... nope... tsk, that was too easy.... and pitifully so.

BTW - I've started posting on my blog more regularly... the one here I mean
http://matto-the-hun.blogspot.com/ so come on down and see me sometime.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I like how you can talk about something like in this case "oh" (a commentary on social mannerisms) and still end it with a cutting political comment which ties into your original subject.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

apparantly, I did not have the ability to make all those comments in one larger comment...

very strange.

9:47 PM  

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