
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I had a doozy of a dream last night. I dreampt me and my husband were filthy rich. We're talking Bill Gates rich here. We owned a HUGE mansion on lots of land and had all kind of servants and so on. My sister was getting married and we agreed to let her have the wedding at our house. We also agreed to help with the expenses.

So it's the day of the wedding and I come home to find my mansion overrun with hundreds of people. I go into the house and have a fit. These people have repainted the walls, replaced our furniture, and remodeled the kitchen! All of our stuff was gone. People I didn't even know were telling me how to dress and act. There were twenty photographers, make-up artists, and seamstresses. Every dress as being hand-made! A bunch of sorority girls were drinking all the booze, wearing dresses dripping with diamonds. There were workers re-landscaping our yard. Limo's and horse drawn carriages filled our garage. News crews crowded my lawn. My sister is bustling about in a silk robe making sure the table settings are perfect.

I find her and just start screaming. This is our home, everything is gone, everything has been changed, and how much did all this cost?

She replies, "I only wanted it to be perfect. Waaaaaaaaah." She bursts into tears and everyone looks at me like I'm the bad guy. I start screaming at her about the importance of money when the cook comes in and wants me to taste the baklava. I've never had baklava before, is it supposed to have corned beef in the middle?

I was tabulating how much it would cost to put everything back versus hiring a criminal lawyer when I woke up. Jeez.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

That dream was brought ot you by The Man.

See, he doesn't want you to aspire to be rich and have nice things, because there would be less for him and his friends.

Damn The Man!

Kill the Rich!

Revolution!!! Revolution!!! Revolution!!!

8:39 PM  

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