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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, August 19, 2005

News from B-Butt, "I don't like school."

B-Butt does not believe that this school thing is permanent. Last night he was tired and cranky after his first full day of school. He, his mother, and I sat around the table practicing our ABC's. As is for apple. Bb is for book. Cc is for cat. He kept messing it up. If he can't master the ABC's, the rest of the school year is going to be tough. On we plodded, Dd is for duck. Ee is for egg. Ff is for fish. Right in the middle of it his 4 year-old cousin, R, came by and the two boys had to start rough housing. Since R was wearing his Spiderman suit, B-Butt had to put on his red Power Ranger suit. They ripped up the living room and screamed like banshee's while R's grandmother tried to have a conversation with my sister. All the while her boyfriend was getting ready for a big interview tomorrow, so a hot iron was thrown into the mix. My sister started chanting, "Bb is for basketcase."

Vv is for vicodin.

I've decided that I'm going to have to have a baby. In 9 months I can offer it up for a full tank of gas. Why isn't Bush impeached already?

I get to see my husband this evening. I'm so excited! It's only been two days but I feel like I've been away from him for weeks. The cat slept with me last night, ha-ha. Just as I suspected.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I just like that you call him B-Butt... it makes me laugh

9:59 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Thanks to all of you, wow, I didn't know I could be so popular.

2:56 PM  

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