
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Get a Clue

So last night I had class. It was fun. I got home a little later than usual and my husband was at his usual position in front of his computer. We watched The Amazing Race (taped) and then he goes back to his games. I'm alone for the rest of the night until I go to bed. Husband decides to go to bed, too. The lights are out. I'm snuggled in. Then he says, "Are you getting excited about your cruise?"

Oh. I. Don't. Think. So.

If you want to talk to me, if you want to have a conversation, turn off your goddamned game and talk to me. Actually get off your chair, say good-bye to a bunch of guys you've never even met, and spend some time with the warm body sharing your house. Don't talk to me at the very end of the day when you've done all the things you want to do.

Then I get to work today and they've blocked off half the parking garage for some special event at the business school. I want my money back, bitches. I pay to park in that garage and on the days that I can't, I want some compensation. It's a very good thing I don't own a pen knife or a lot of people would be changing tires later this evening. In fact, I'm putting it on my Christmas list.

6 more days and I can't wait.


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