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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, November 17, 2005

W-w-who Ordered This Damn Cold?

What happened to Fall? I turned my back for a weekend and now it's freaking Winter. It's noon, people, and 31 degrees. That's not right - there isn't any snow! I predict this winter is going to be as bad as a two-day old gas station burrito stuffed down the crack of a sofa in a house with no air conditioning.

Someone recently asked me why I don't talk about sex that much. It's very simple, really. My sex life isn't a topic to be thrown on the table and picked over by every greedy-fingered stranger that passes by. There are a few things, to me, that are just too damn private to talk about. Sex is one of them. Oh, I talk about it with my best friend because she's the only one I can trust. She won't go running to Hubby and tease him about anything that I've said, or wait until some gathering and then bring the topic up in front of the whole damn group. Sex is private, got that, P-R-I-V-A-T-E. The love that I share with my husband is rare and I am privileged to have it. I'm not going to sully it by inviting others in to take a look. I have shared a few things with my sister, but she talks openly about her sex life with our mother, and how gross is that? Nope, one thing I've learned is if you want to keep something a secret, keep it a damn secret.

We have a spin class tonight. I'm kinda looking forward to it. Actually, I've been trying to convince myself to go.

Will lose some calories and keep things in shape
Will spend some time with a few people I like
Will be doing something with hubby

It's cold as hell, I don't want my sweat to freeze dry itself to my back
Survivor is on tonight
Did I mention its cold as hell?
Hubby would be by himself

I don't know, I'll see how I feel when I get home.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Actually I boxed up the cold and shipped it to you... we had some start down here but i'm afraid it was just too much.

Lets pool our money together and but a tropical island!!!

8:56 PM  

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