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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blessed Be!

Stem Cell research looks like it passed. I'm so pleased. All those ignorant, sign-carrying, hate-spewing bastards can kiss my ass.

What a surprise that the smoking tax did not pass. That would be dripping with sarcasm. There are so many nasty-ass smokers in this state that a law like this will never pass. If you want to live smoke-free you'll have to move states. What these stupid assholes can't understand is if a pack of cigarettes is too expensive, younger people won't start. But oh NO! All these redneck fucks see is the price of dem cigarettes goin up. Shiiiiit, that might cut into ma beer money. I won't be able to see no kiddie porn if I have ta pay more money for smokes.

The democrats have taken an advantage in the house. I think Jim Talent got the big ol' middle finger from Missouri yesterday. He brought Bush and everyone he could think of to Missouri in order to help his campaign. Guess he should have left history's worst president in Washington.

I want to talk about the way we vote. Why, oh why, do we have to try and electonisize (it's my word) everything? Hmmmm? What was wrong with the way we used to vote? Oh, that's right, it took too much time. So now we want to use unsafe, un-proven, hackable, and highly suspicious ways to vote so we can save an hour out of our year.

Last election I was in and out of my voting place in less than 10 minutes. I walked in, proved who I was, got my ballot, made my votes, and left. Yesterday, with the technology created to save us time, I stood in line for an hour. Yeah, that worked great, thank a bunch!

There are some things in this world not meant to be made easy. Paper ballots leave a record in case any voting comes into question. With a computer you're fucked. Not only can someone corrupt the program, but they'll figure out how to manipulate the actual voting machine as well. And those companies counting the votes? Do you think they aren't receiving any money from the government? Who trusts them? I don't. In the old days voting was time consuming, but it was CORRECT! You didn't see Nixon going to the Supreme Court to win his presidency.

What is wrong with us? Are we so dependent on computers and technology that we can't even do the simplest of things without having to use them? Selecting who runs our country is a very important thing. We should take all the time and care we need to in order to make sure it's done right. Screw the damn computers. I want a record of my vote, so give me paper, please. And give me a better way for those papers to be counted. Don't waste my time with bullshit.

Yeah, that's right, I called computer voting bullshit. What you going to do about it? Just because we have computers does not mean we have to use them for EVERYTHING!

It's not worth the hassle, folks. It didn't save us time. Because of the glitches and long lines a lot of votes were not cast. How could that have changed the outcome? Don't know. People are too busy patting themselves on the back to see that they're creating more problems than they're solving.


Blogger Issy said...

I liked this entry. I agree with you on the computer issue on voting. Even though I don't vote, there are similarities between what you wrote and what is going on in our office.

We rely too heavily on a spread sheet with random revenue than on what we actually bill and what our P&L statements are. A fine example would be my boss getting the financials from accounting (which is how it should go down) and exclaiming "How can this be? That's not what our spreadsheet says!" Duh! Same with voting. Who's to say that someone couldn't come in and change the tallies? That's another reason why I don't vote.

12:23 PM  

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