I get about a bazillion catalogs each year, most around this time. I've noticed something that I find disturbing. When you browse through these things there are a lot of items one can buy with their favorite football teams logo/color/mascot on them. That is, if your an Oakland, Pittsburgh, Dallas, New England, or Green Bay fan. If you're not, then TOUGH.
Why these teams? What are you to do if you're a Rams fan? Or, by some sick twist of genetic mutation, a Tampa Bay fan? No blankets, food bowls, clocks, or bobble head Santas wearing a team jersey for you. You don't get the flannel pajamas or Christmas ornaments. Your house will be bare of T-shirts, picture frames, and aprons, coffee cups, dolls, puzzles, jackets, beer mugs, or bar stools.
And who picks these teams? Why the freaking Cowboys? If your not in Texas you're not going to buy that shit. What, they can only create five logo templates? Oakland is sucking balls this year, why not replace them with a team that is doing well, like the Colts. I want an explanation, then an apology. I am a Rams fan. I'm not ashamed to say it, nor would I be ashamed to wear it if some manufacturer out there got their head out of their asses and learned what the word "specify team" means. This is a large country, five piddly teams ain't gonna cut it.
Why these teams? What are you to do if you're a Rams fan? Or, by some sick twist of genetic mutation, a Tampa Bay fan? No blankets, food bowls, clocks, or bobble head Santas wearing a team jersey for you. You don't get the flannel pajamas or Christmas ornaments. Your house will be bare of T-shirts, picture frames, and aprons, coffee cups, dolls, puzzles, jackets, beer mugs, or bar stools.
And who picks these teams? Why the freaking Cowboys? If your not in Texas you're not going to buy that shit. What, they can only create five logo templates? Oakland is sucking balls this year, why not replace them with a team that is doing well, like the Colts. I want an explanation, then an apology. I am a Rams fan. I'm not ashamed to say it, nor would I be ashamed to wear it if some manufacturer out there got their head out of their asses and learned what the word "specify team" means. This is a large country, five piddly teams ain't gonna cut it.
I threw away so many catalogs last night they had to have their own garbage bag. And those were just the catalogs I rejected! I have a whole other stack on the couch.
Interesting, I wonder if it has something to do with licensing; like maybe these places can only afford X-number of licenses, so they choose the most popular ones.??
I don't know. I don't know nuthin'. I only watch the Super Bowl and thats just for the beer snacks and friends. Don't listen to me.
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