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Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I have not read this book. I did watch the movie yesterday since I had so much time on my hands. All I have to say is...eh?

First, I found out from my waxer that Tom Hanks awful haircut was the director's decision, no where in the book did the lead male have that mess.

Second, I found it very hard to follow. How did they figure out these clues? It seems as if Tom stood there for a second then turned to the female and said, "Oh, we have to take the 3:45 train to the Louve, cross over a threshold four times backwards, touch the floor panels in an intricate, random pattern, pull the third book in the fifth bookcase to the left, go down the stairs, fight the impossibly large snake, and then find the clue. Easy."

All the while they are being chased by an masochist albino with a dog collar around his leg.

The thing I hated most about this movie (and yes, it's become hate the more I think about it), is the end. The whole movie has been dedicated to finding these old clues to an old mystery/secret. Old, right, get it? Old. So at the end of the movie Tom stands on a structure that has been here less than 20 years and wa-la, the artifact is buried beneath it. Um, didn't the construction workers who put that thing up see it when they were digging holes? How could a tomb that's thousand of years old be buried under something that is less than 20? But here is what I hate so much. After allllllllll this time looking for this artifact, the camera pans down and shows the artifact two seconds before the credits begin to roll. That's it? Tom doesn't even explain how the hell he knew it was there.

I think I will have to read the book now just to understand the movie.


Blogger THW said...

I agree, the movie is a terrible and pathetic mess. I was bored while watching it and wanted to walk out.

Before I saw the movie, I listened to the abridged version of The Da Vinci code while driving home from Atlanta last summer. Most entertaining 6 hours I've ever spent.

I hope you choose to read the book (or listen to an audio book like I did). It's a great story that make so much more sense and has a thousand-fold greater entertainment value than that stupid movie with possibly the worst casting I've ever seen.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all READ THE BOOK!!!..after you read the book the movie will make ALOT more sense!! I have read all of Dan Brown's bpooks, and the next movie that's being made from his books "Angels & Demoms" promises to be even ebtter than the da vinci code. I thot Angels & Demons was by far, a much better book. Actually Mary's tomb isn't thousands of years old..at best it's maybe 900 and that's assuming alot..sure there are parts of the movie that might be a tad hard to digest but, after reading the book. if you so choose, the movie will make alot more sense. Having been raised mostly as a catholic and attending a FANTASTIC Jesuit University, i found the book very enjoyable. In fact, i kinda like the idea that Jesus might have been married. I certainly don;t buy into all the shit that the RCC has been feeding to these huddled masses of "sheep" for so many decades!..Another movie that i'd suggest be watched either before or right after the Da vinci Code is DOGMA...fucking hystericallllll..!!..and for that matter..watch A night With Keven Smith, the writer/director of DOGMA as he talks tovarious college students in numerous places around the US...also..Hysterical.!!!..oh, btw..i thot Tom hanks hair cut looked cool..you called it a "mess"..?umm..how was it a mess?..it sure looks far better than most of the rags i see on the heads of young women these days...:)...

6:07 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I love DOGMA. It's the only movie I can stomach Ben Afflack in.

The hair of Tom Hanks reminded me of the guy who still goes to Disco clubs. That creepy guy who's way to old to be there but has the gold chains and polyester shirt working. Ew.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Its actually a shame Hanks was even in the role at all. Nothing against him, I love Tom. But in the begining of the book he is described as a Harrison Ford looking character.

I guess they couldn't get Ford. I'm sure we could google it and see if they even tried to get him or what... but that requires effort and I just don't care enough.

Needless to say the hair was kinda weird.

I thought the movie was okay. Sir Ian McKellen was great, but then he always is.

I hate to say it, but I'm not sure how you missed the explanation of how Tom finds the grail at the end. They go through it point by point as he goes to find it, they pretty much take you by the hand.

At anyrate, as usual, the book is way better than the movie. I would also recommend it.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I don't know, maybe I just wasn't paying attention. The hair, the albino, they commanded my attention.

11:17 AM  

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