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Monday, November 27, 2006

And That's How They GET You

I like Amazon.com. I buy a lot from there, either new or used, and I have never had a problem.

Until now.

I ordered three ***** for my dad. If you order $25 or more from Amazon.com you get free shipping. Great! So I qualified and patted myself on the back for getting something free. I would like to stress at that time I did not get any warning about the following problem.

I went back to see when my *****s would ship and a big red warning told me "This item will arrive AFTER Dec. 25th." Huh? It's still November. Why would I have to wait over a month to get my *****s? I changed my option to standard shipping (i.e I pay for it) and what do you know! I will now get my *****s by the 14th.

How is this fair? I see, if you want free shipping you will get your crap after Christmas, but if you want it before then you HAVE to pay for it. That's the scam Amazon is running, folks, so don't get sucked in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised by this? Some genius was thinkin real hard with this one. Have you approached Amazon and asked them about it? I'd be worried about price gouging when they are advertising that it's for free. That just sux!

4:08 PM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Yeah, I've been smacked by that too.

I ordered 2 books, one took just over a month and the other took two months. If those clowns don't have something in stock they shouldn't have it listed on their site. But if you look at thier site a bit you can see all sorts of things that are out of stock, or in the case of technology items, that aren't even made anymore.

It's called a Bad User Experience and that is something that people who work on these sites talk about all the time about every little thing they put on it. Believe me, I've had lots of discussions about Bad User Experience.

It's suprising in a way that Amazon allows that. Then again... I'll bet there was at least some kind of push against this from the people who actually work on the site. But the Higher-Ups (read "corporate assholes") and project managers ("aspiring corporate assholes") don't listen to reason or sense. They want what they want and they generally get it. They think their bad ideas are so damn great and whether they succeed or fail they have a congratulatory circle jerk.

Those corporate assholes think they are so god-damned smart with their bait-and-switch scheme.

The reality is that the last order I WOULD have made I decided NOT to make because it would have taken two months.

That's bullshit! Sure the Amazon price was $15 or $20 cheaper than the regular bookstore. But I can walk into the bookstore and get my book NOW!

So now they've lost a sale... and as you mentioned, your business entirely.

Issy is right though, you and I should email them and let them know we aren't as dumb as they look. It'll give them something to read during their corporate circle jerk.

*on a side note, over the summer I did get a high prices item 2 days after they said it would ship (with the free shipping) I guess because I spent ~$400 that made me more important.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Woo! I guess if you spend a lot of money you get a lot of attention. I read this comment after I posted my documentary rant. Great minds think alike.

11:03 AM  

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