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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's About Damn Time

It's about damn time that black leaders stand up and address the N-word in their community.

How conceited is it for an entire race to claim the sole usage of one word? And, knowing that word is so outrageously offensive, how can they have the balls to use it among themselves as a term of endearment, a joke, or a greeting? It has been a hypocritical issue that's gone largely ignored by the black people of this nation. We can say it, you cannot.


White people do not have a word like this. If a black man enters a room full of white people and says, "Honky." He'll get a few looks but mostly he will be ignored. I know Mexicans don't like being called Spics, Chinese do not appreciate being called Chinks, but I have never seen a riot break out by either of these races if the word is used. The only other race I can think of that responds so violently to a word are the Italians if you call them a Ginny (If you are Italian could you please tell me why this word is so offensive. What is a Ginny, where did the word originate, and how did it become such an insult?).

But no, black people have been using the N-word with free license for years but corner the market in offended if anyone else uses the word. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. If you don't like the word dripping from other races lips, don't use it on your own. That's the way smart people act. Logical people realize that if you insist on making that word a part of your culture than your going to hear it all the time, from everyone. If you truly want to get rid of the word, stop using it. Don't let your family or friends use it, either.

Yes, it is that simple.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer your question..the term Ginny actually comes from the word Guinea, which dates back about 3 centuries and comes from the belief that italians, who are darker than northern europeans, are part black. Guinea's in africa. The term Guinea for a coin comes from their getting the gold to make it from Guinea, not that you asked that question. Also, i more promiment term that is used alot thru the US is the term WOP..and this term refers to the fact that most italians that came ove rin the great migrations of the 19th and early 20th centuries..did not have any "papers" stating which country they were from, thus, WOP stands for WITH OUT PAPERS. I totally agree with you on this point...why the fuck is it that only blacks can call themselves the N word?..if it's so attrociuos then it seems t5hat they, especially wouldnt want to use it. Why in fact if they want to live in an "inclusive" society do they even refer to themselves as "african" Americans? It seems like all the various peoples now that make up this country we call home like to refer to themselves as irish Americans, italian Americans, etc...doesnt this divide us even further then unite us as one homogenous people?...I, myself, am of native American heritage so if anyone is truly allowed to call themselves an American its me!..Do you see my point?..we are all One People united under a common belief and value system!!..and as for Gloria Allred, the Atty that is "handling" the 2 black mens case..well, she's asked that a retired judge decide on if there should be a monetary award to these two men and i think that's just so fucking ridiculous she should censured as an atty...if WE as a country are going to start approving $$ amounts for what people may or may not say then, surely the concept of "free speech" is gone forever. This of course, does not include slander and liable cases...xcuse any typos in here..i just need larger damn keys!!!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Or smaller fingers.

Thanks, I'm glad you explained that to me. I worked in Hilton Head, SC, for a while and any Italian there called a Ginny would turn into one big throbbing head vein.

I have American Indian blood in me, too. As well as Irish, German, English, and even Russian. That makes me Potato-eating Alcoholic American, right?

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all reminds me of a Chris Rock routine I heard a few years back...

7:14 PM  

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