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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ya Snowed In?

I was pleasantly surprised to have a three-day weekend as we were snowed in Friday. We lost a lot of branches. Thank the Goddess we had that tree cut down after the round of summer storms. It would have crushed both our cars and possibly a side of the house - best $1000 we ever spent.

We, luckily, did not lose electricity. Not so for my friends and family. Alissa lost power Thursday night and didn't get it until Saturday night. Her in-laws have a generator, so Alissa was forced to stay with them. Stress levels rose, fights ensued, it wasn't pretty. I'm sure she has a lot to say about it (or she will once she digs her way out of work), check out Issy's Room.

For the rest of the weekend we stayed mostly indoors. On Saturday the Stone Hill Winery in Hermann, MO, was having their Kriskringle Mart. This is a German tradition that I was fortunate enough to experience in Germany when I was a child. I loved this mart. My mom and dad would bundle us up and take us there. They'd buy us all bratwurst and mom and dad would share a beer. There was no fighting, no yelling, just a nice day full of food, shopping, and welcoming Christmas.

So I wanted to go, you know, to try and recapture those childhood memories. Alissa was in in-law hell (we were supposed to go together) so she cancelled. I was disappointed until hubby stepped up to the plate and volunteered to take me. The hour and a half drive was pretty, most of the trees were still ice covered. The sun glinting off those branches was beautiful. We get there and hurry to the main pavilion for the festivities.

I was expecting crafts, carolers, food, and German culture. I found a room full of high school art fair. It was boring, the food wasn't there, and the carolers had cancelled. We walked around for 7 minutes and were done. I bought a few bottles of wine and then we left.

I'm not disappointed, though. I enjoyed laughing and enjoying the day with my husband. I took a good nap when we got home. The rest of the weekend was involved with painting and football.

Alissa came over and gave me my Christmas present early (she wanted to make sure it fit). I love it! It's a full length leather coat with big buttons. I've been talking about getting a new coat for months, unknown to me that my husband had strict instructions to stop me at all costs. I can't wait to wear it out. It's still a bit wrinkly from packaging, but it's gorgeous! Now I feel I have to dress up just to wear it. It's not the sweats, trashy-hair, ugly-face kind of coat.


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