
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, February 05, 2007

Where's my Spoon?

One of my favorite movies is "Shawshank Redemption." I just love that film. One of my favorite lines is when Morgan Freeman comments on Andy's escape:

"I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he had been here just about long enough."

That is how I feel today. I think I have been in St. Louis just about long enough. Someone made the comment the other day that people in New York are pretty. "All of them, from CEO's to bums on the street, are good looking. Not like here. Here in the Midwest every one's ugly."

I'd have to agree with that. We're fat, lazy, angry, and ugly. Our Midwest uniforms are (insert favorite sports team) sweatshirts and old jeans. Our favorite sport is drinking. And eating. We have more all-you-can-eat restaurants than Paris Hilton has condoms. And the weather sucks balls.

I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of driving down the same streets, seeing the same stupid-ass kids run into those streets, and dodging the same stupid-ass kids so I don't ruin my car. I'm sick of the same old shit day-in and day-out on the news. I'm sick of my job and all the careless assholes I work for (okay, some of them are really nice, but not enough to make me stay).

I was born into a military family. As such, we moved a lot. I like to move, it keeps life interesting. You get to see other places, meet other people, discover other customs. I've been in St. Louis a total of 17 years. I'm done. I know what to expect on any given day because this city never changes. I know who I am going to encounter every day because people don't change.

Mardi Gras is coming up and I am going to be surrounded by the same drunk schmucks that I am surrounded by EVERY year. I'll see the same guys pissing in the same streets spilling their drinks on the same girls who shout the same shit every year.

Summer in St. Louis - an endless barrage of baseball shit and, if it rains, flooding. More construction, more endless lines of traffic, more heat, no change. The same people will say the same shit (Hot enough fer ya?) at the same time of the same day.

Want to do something in St. Louis? Well, it's the same shit you do every year because nothing new and exciting ever comes to St. Louis. Only some call it "tradition." I call it boring as hell. If you want to have 5 kids and live in an environment that caters to those 5 kids than by all means move to St. Louis.

If you want to have an exciting life full of endless opportunities to further your education, enjoy your family, and live, then stay the hell away from here.

St. Louis is sucking the life out of me. If I don't dig myself out soon it may kill me.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...


So you got any ideas on where you'd like to go? Does your boy feel the same way?

ATL is like that too, only bigger. People down here so want to assert their southernness and have this little brother rivalry with NYC. But like any little brother rivalry, no matter their claims to the opposite they actually want to BE NYC.

On any given day, I tend to see more Yankees caps than Braves caps. What more proof do you need.

Yeah, so as much as we'd LOVE to have you guys, don't bother comin' this-a-ways because we aren't making any promises to be here more than a year or two more.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I think I'd like to move West, to Arizona or New Mexico. Why? I don't know, I loved Arizona as a child and there is all that cool Indian stuff around.

Does Hubby feel this way? No. But to be fair I haven't really discussed it with him. His family is here and he likes it, so we'll have to come up with some kind of compromise.

2:30 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I think you need a vacation. But if you are going to Arizona would you please put me in a suitcase and take me with you. Arizona and southern Utah are two of the most beautiful places on earth. I've been there several times and look forward to going again.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

It's a deal, I'll work it out with the husband.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

your right.st louis is the nastiest city ive ever lived in or near...the people here ate ignorant unkept just like the city itself..you can always tell how the people of any given place feel about their lives by the amount of trash and debri in the streets..Nedd i say more?...st louis is the dirtiest city ive ever lived in..and ive lived in AL, MS, TN, GA, TX, NM, WA, HI, & CA..oh and AK for a bit...none of them are as dirty and unclean as st louis...its like the people here just dont give a rat ass...ive never lived anywhere where the average IQ is as low as this place...and those that i have met that are relatively intelligent are so fucking sekf absorbed that they are totally unaware of tyheir surroundings IF it foesnt concern them. Look at all the abondoned animals, strays etc..look at all the child abuse and murders ..all of it..the biggest mistake ive ever made inmy life was moving to this shot whole..thankfully im in love so that negates alot of it...but within the next couple of years we are moving from this place..either back to seattle or san diego maybe..we're not sure yet...hell i loved NM you'd like it too..norhtern or southern...as for your hubby...well..sorry but you can do ALOT better...he seems to pay more attention to those fucking video games then he does you...sorry but from all your postings that's pretty obvious...divorce is ok..you'll meet a better man that loves you for yourself..sounds like youve just outgrown hjim is all..no biggie...YOU DESERVE BETTER..and i think deep inside you realize that...just think..soon they'll start the I 40 expansion..what a cluster fuck that will be...at least living in CA when major projects like that were started they get done FAST..otherwise the people wouldnt stand for it...look who your Governor is?..MATT, the idiot BLUNT...that shows you the quality of peolle in that god foraken shit whole of a state....go to eitehr coast...you'd love it so better and could grow so much...anyways..thats how i feel...lol..smoooooches!!

4:02 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

oh.pls xcuse any and all typos...i just need larger damn keys on my board...ive been to AZ many times...i think you'd like NM much better...far friendlier and..well..trust me..you'd like it better...but hell..go to the coast..there are some truly beautiful people there..you can actually walk down the streets and beaches and see hardly any fat people that seem to be sooooo fucking prevalent here in the midwest...again..now escuse any mispells..lol..

4:06 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

one last thing..im sooooooooooooo glad the COLTS won!!!!!...trust me..you'll die inside if you stay here much longer..i know your hubbys family is here but..i guess that should answer any ?'s you might have about him wanting to leave..LIVE YOUR DREAMS AND REALIZE YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!!!!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I'm not leaving my husband. He has his flaws, yes, and I have bitched about them on this blog, but he is a fair, honest, loving man who loves ME. If I decide to leave this city he will come with me (kicking and screaming until he realizes that I am right).

9:51 AM  
Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I reckon he'll just put on his sad penquin face and waddle after you if it comes to that ;)

We've been thinking Portland, OR or the west coast in general, but we haven't discounted the benefits of New Mex or Arizona. We would really like to have a lawn that you don't have to now.

But we do worry about scorpions stinging our animals.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Issy said...

I agree that St. Louis sucks and I've lived here my whole life! I however am offended at some of the comments making St. Louis seem like a relective of ALL people that live in this city. This is a city unlike most as it spreads quite vastly into other counties that associate themselves with "St. Louis". I myself grew up in a very affluent neighborhood where you didn't throw your shit out on your front yard and piss on your neighbor (don't know where you lived at le enigma). Also there is rape, child abuse and murder in EVERY city in the world. We do have some of the meanest people in St. Louis and am proud to be one of them. I will say it again, this is a city stuck on stupid where if you want the comfort of knowing things will not change that this is the best place to raise a family. Knowing how you feel about raising kids this is not the place for you B. I don't blame you for getting restless. I could also NEVER imagine you leaving this city without your hubby. Have you all ever thought about Colorado? I know I'm suggesting that for personal reasons but I've never been to a more beautiful state and more warm-hearted people. There's always something to do (outside) and their more focused on health than anything else. Sorry this is so long.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Issy said...

Okay. . . I just fully read the whole strew of comments that were left as some of them were so long that barely skimmed over them but got the jist and am beyond steamed.

Yes I take this personally. Coming from a person who seems to have an "open mind" seems to be the most judgmental person I've met. Judgemental people are also extremely self centered. Kind of hypocritical don't ya think? As far as being a breed of stupid people just because we live in St. Louis, move the fuck out! We don't need you skewing the statistics! AND. . .if you are just staying here because you are "in-love" what kind of logic is that? Thinking with your crotch doesn't make you THAT intelligent it just means your preoccupied for the time being.

I am proud of where I live. If you would open your damn eyes wide enough and find all of the POSITIVE things that St. Louis has to offer you may be surprised. Actually working in the industry that I work in being the hospitality industry you would KNOW that St. Louis has done more within the past 5 years to better the city to promote travel and tourisim than they have for the past 30 years. They are improving buildings, implementing different venues and events for tourists to WANT to come here. If you don't build the city up in this manner it will not thrive.

I'm done bitching. . . btw. . .B, this was NOT aimed at you in the least bit. I just had to speak my peace.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

what does being in love and thinking with your crotch mean?..lol..dear god your one of the masses that..well anyways....too damn funny..and if you knew that the entire concept of love has no logic to it then ..anyways...once again the cream either floats or sinks...lol..

9:39 AM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

I also find your comments totally hypacritical..the only difference between my comments and B's was that i mentioned all the TRASH in the streets..and yet your bitch session was only aimed at me..ROFLMFBO..just like a typical Missourian..born & bred

11:37 AM  
Blogger Issy said...

The point I was making was that it was illogical to stay in a city that you obviously dispise just out of love for another human being. I can understand financially staying or if your carreer dictates it. But no piece of ass is worth staying in a city that you obviously hate.

Also, I'm one of the masses? Grow some balls. Say what you mean. If you don't have the courage to step up to the plate and complete and explain what you mean by grouping me in with a particular "group" then don't bother putting forth the effort. If you mean I'm the typical midwestern bitch that you loathe then take my advise, move the hell out of here. I don't need someone of your caliber taking up my oxygen space. You can waste it on all of the really clean people in San Diego.

I also noticed that you did not revisit any of the topics that I commented on that actually has subsance and contradict a lot of what you said. You are basing all of your view points on personal opinion. Come back with some hard core statistics and then I will listen to you. Otherwise I find it very hard to be rational with someone who is hell bent on tearing something down instead of doing something to make it better. And you call yourself an artist. . . bitch please.

11:51 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I'm sure your huuband won't mind me at all, just give me water and let me out at all photo opportunities. Call me the "new teddy bear" with the camera. LOL!!

2:10 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

First of all..i dont live in St louis..i have a great job and everything ive said is based solely on my personal opinion. I have traveled the US coast to coast, many,many times, so i base my opnions on what i've seen thru my own eyes!! As far as St Louis improving itself greatly over the last 5 years..hmm..i really dotn see that much..i guess being the crime capital of the US is an improvement..i guess walking downtown and seeing trash all over might be an improvemnt..im not sure!..ive read in the Riverfront times that 2006 wasnt a great year for conventions in dwontown st louis..not as good as the last 2 years..maybe they were wrong?!? I have a few friends that work in the Hotel industry here in the City and they say they've been laying people off the last few years..so maybe they are wrong as well?!?..and as i said once again..im just agreeing with B on the things she said..and thru in a few comments of my own!!..""""Summer in St. Louis - an endless barrage of baseball shit and, if it rains, flooding. More construction, more endless lines of traffic, more heat, no change. The same people will say the same shit (Hot enough fer ya?) at the same time of the same day.

Want to do something in St. Louis? Well, it's the same shit you do every year because nothing new and exciting ever comes to St. Louis. Only some call it "tradition." I call it boring as hell. If you want to have 5 kids and live in an environment that caters to those 5 kids than by all means move to St. Louis.^^^^ so i tend to agree with B and what she said!!!""""" ****if your happy living here then GOD BLESS YOU!!!****We have some wonderful friends here!!!

3:04 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

and here was my fav part of what she wrote"""""I'd have to agree with that. We're fat, lazy, angry, and ugly. Our Midwest uniforms are (insert favorite sports team) sweatshirts and old jeans. Our favorite sport is drinking. And eating. We have more all-you-can-eat restaurants than Paris Hilton has condoms. And the weather sucks balls."""""" Amen B-!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:22 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...


Let's not throw stones, eh? Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one and they are usually full of shit.

Just because I have a pity-party and highlight the shortcomings of St. Louis does not mean that St. Louis doesn't have any good points. It does, I just didn't feel like pointing them out. I'm a woman - my mood has already changed.

Play nice.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Issy said...

It's a shame you can't be possitive. I'm glad you don't live here. Go bitch about someone else's city. Oh and your make believe friends in the hotel industry. . . yeah they were wrong. Our division in our company last year grossed over 5.5 million last year without laying anyone off. So yeah. . . my numbers and statistics are skewed. Hey thanks by the way for paying so much attention to something that you loathe so much. I really appreciate how much time, energy and attention to detail you have spent on this topic. Boy! You must really have NOTHING to do in your life but bitch about shit that doesn't even concern you. What a waste. Oh and you were really agreeing with B by telling her to leave her husband. You really are a GREAT friend. Sorry Im too fat, lazy, stupid and filthy to meet your standards. I will be so sad knowing that you are not in my life. How will I ever go on? Oh that's right, I have this wretched city to rely on.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Enough! Perhaps I should have included a definition of what "play nice" means.

Issy - thank you so much for coming to my defense. I know I can always count on you to have my back and hold me back when I need it. You don't need to explain yourself to anyone.

Le Enigma - I appreciate that you like reading my blog and I hope you continue. I am a staunch supporter of free speech but c'mon, enough is enough. Attacking my husband and then my best friend does not make me feel better. It actually makes me feel terrible.

If you both would like to continue this conversation please do so on your own blogs.

Darth - Sounds like a plan. you're a big guy, right? A girl needs a body guard. The pay is terrible but you can beat-up anyone you want.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Le Enigma said...

just getting home and i reread ALL thats been posted from my original posting..I apologize to you both BUt i never attacked your husband or Issy...the last few things i said were all quotes from you B..****** means im quoting you***** all i said was you deserve better if video games etc etc..so i was wrong..sorry...but that wasnt attacking him...and as for you issy...i wouldnt attack you personally..i disagree with what you said but thats it..i didnt call you "fat, lazy etc"..those were the words taken from B's original posting..i didnt mean to be misunderstood..pls accept my apology...i won't post or read anymore...all the best to the both of you!!..God Bless!!!!

4:50 PM  

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