Female Troubles
I'm about to start my period (I know some of you are so happy to know that). As such, I am starving! You've seen "Ghostbusters?" You know that scene where the little green guy is attacking a room service cart full of goodies? Yeah, that's me. Only I'm not leaving a trail of green slime behind me.
You know, Issy and I were talking today and it would be a different world if the men had to deal with all of the upkeep we women have to do in order to keep our sex healthy. I'm sure you've seen the email thing about if men had babies Health Care would be vastly different. It's not just pregnancy. We ladies have to put up with more than men will ever know. Yeah, and we're the weaker sex. Let a man bleed out of his penis every month and see how the "crybaby" count skyrockets.
We, as a gender, are greatly taken advantage of. We get a yeast infection, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, or any other number of coochie-aches and we still have to get up in the morning and go to work. Our male co-workers don't think anything having to do with the vagina is an issue. It's just something we women get to deal with. We supposed to just suck it up. Oh, but a man? If men dealt with what we deal with sick days would increase ten-fold. There would be telethons and drug research dedicated to helping those poor men with their delicate conditions. But not us. Oh no, we're women. We have to strive to be as good as men. Yeah, RIGHT!
You know, we have it all wrong. In order for this society to change MEN should strive to be more like US. Men should have to deal with family, work, and home as well as getting paid less, being disrespected by women, and being told to shut up if they dare complain. They should work all day and then come home to deal with the housework and children. Then they should go to work and be told how stupid they are for not being able to juggle it all. Then they should come home and be criticized by their wives for not keeping a perfect house and having dinner on the table. Yeah, let that happen to the "stronger" sex and see what happens.
Someone get me some chocolate!
You know, Issy and I were talking today and it would be a different world if the men had to deal with all of the upkeep we women have to do in order to keep our sex healthy. I'm sure you've seen the email thing about if men had babies Health Care would be vastly different. It's not just pregnancy. We ladies have to put up with more than men will ever know. Yeah, and we're the weaker sex. Let a man bleed out of his penis every month and see how the "crybaby" count skyrockets.
We, as a gender, are greatly taken advantage of. We get a yeast infection, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, or any other number of coochie-aches and we still have to get up in the morning and go to work. Our male co-workers don't think anything having to do with the vagina is an issue. It's just something we women get to deal with. We supposed to just suck it up. Oh, but a man? If men dealt with what we deal with sick days would increase ten-fold. There would be telethons and drug research dedicated to helping those poor men with their delicate conditions. But not us. Oh no, we're women. We have to strive to be as good as men. Yeah, RIGHT!
You know, we have it all wrong. In order for this society to change MEN should strive to be more like US. Men should have to deal with family, work, and home as well as getting paid less, being disrespected by women, and being told to shut up if they dare complain. They should work all day and then come home to deal with the housework and children. Then they should go to work and be told how stupid they are for not being able to juggle it all. Then they should come home and be criticized by their wives for not keeping a perfect house and having dinner on the table. Yeah, let that happen to the "stronger" sex and see what happens.
Someone get me some chocolate!
We, as a gender, are greatly taken advantage of. We get a yeast infection, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, or any other number of coochie-aches and we still have to get up in the morning and go to work
Bah... if you uppity women stayed bare-foot and in the kitchen making pies and cranking out babies, like we men told you, then you wouldn't have to worry about going to work! [/sarcasm]
Seriously though, lets not forget to mention that insurance would cover birth control over viagra and not the other way around. (never ceases to amaze me, that one)
What's even more crazy is that there ARE women who would agree with my initial sarcastic jibe, and no joke about it. I've heard them call into right wing talk shows (in particualr, Rush) saying that a woman's place is at the home, etc... and that Sandra Day O'Connor has no business being on the Supreme Court and is a BAD example to women. (and no I don't listen to Rush, but I've heard the clips from it, and he whole heartidly agreed with the caller of course)
So just be careful of which women we put in charge i guess. (Of course, I'd put down money that she's in the minority of women.... but still)
Oh yeah... and another fun women fact... and this actually needs to be verified. I beleive I read it in Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States (highly recomended, even if its the only hitory/politcal/social book you EVER read)... women in Native American tribe's decided which man would be the cheif and I think they also decided if they would go to war.
If i had my book with me I'd verify that, but it should be pretty close to correct. I'll try to remember to check later.
That is a true fact. The American Indians were a woman-run society. They pretty much made most of the biggest decisions. I think that's why the colonists wanted them dead, they didn't want them messing up a good thing.
I thank God for women, but I thank him even more for my schwanzenoodle. It is low maintenance and dries fast in the wind.
Seriously, I notice what women go through and I surely am amazed at what you do go through. Granted, we men have to suffer through eternal retardation to all things women. We want to understand, but we never will, truly.
That's why we keep you around to lift heavy objects, dear.
That's why all of the men in my office KNOW that I have more of a schwaznoodle than they will ever hope to have!
I am the human forklift, you know.
@ grunt
do you mean to say you have a forked wang?
Now THAT would be interesting.
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