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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ohhh, Skunked Again

It is a very sad day for me today. I've just learned that Bob Clark has died. Who is Bob Clark? He directed "A Christmas Story," one of my favorite movies of all times. He also directed "Porky's," it's not so famous sequel, and many other films that I have enjoyed over the years.

He and his 22-year-old son were killed by a drunk driver.

This makes me very angry. What a complete waste. It's a stupid, useless way to die. To be cheated out of life because some stupid DUMBASS can't figure out to stay home and drink like everyone else. The guy who plowed into them didn't have a license and was 24 years old. How many people want to bet he isn't even a citizen? Oh, that's right, I said it. You see the name, didn't have a license, you tell me it's not a logical conclusion.

Angry, hurt, confused - and I'm just a fan. I can only imagine what his poor family is going through. My heart and prayers go out to them on this day and the horrible days to follow.

I'll be shooting my Red Rider BB gun into the sky for ya, Bob.


Blogger Kim said...

Check this out:


10:57 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I knew it! What did I say, the m-f'er turns out to be illegal. Send his ass back to his country with a big chunk missing out of it. We have enough Americans getting tanked and killing the rest of us, thank you.

4:10 PM  

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