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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, August 17, 2007

My Heart Bleeds

Those poor miners. I was sad this morning but not for me. I don't think Stephen King could have come up with something so cruel. I feel for the families of the rescue workers who have died, but my heart bleeds for the families of the miners who, it may turn out, will be left to die. To imagine my husband alone, slowly starving to death or running out of oxygen, knowing there is no one coming to help...God, I can't think of anything more horrible. I hope for their sake this last collapse killed them all and spared them such a gruesome fate.

As for me I feel better every day. Today I am experiencing a euphoric out-of-body feeling. I walk down the hall feeling like I am 7 feet tall, then I'm 3 feet tall, them I'm 7 feet tall, then I'm 3 feet tall. Sudden movements make me dizzy but not in an unpleasant way. Hey, if I'm going to have these symptoms I might as well enjoy them. Last night my nightmares were minimal. I dreamt I was on a team studying jungle snakes. We were trying to wrangle a bunch of them into a box. There were red snaked, green snakes, black snakes, and blue snakes. They all liked to bite, but none of them were poisonous. Then we found a snake who's nest had been vandalized. The eggs were broken and the mother snake had been frozen. Then the alarm went off.


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