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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I do it on Purpose

As is always the case there is construction on-going on my campus. These fuckers mess up the roads on a daily basis, take all our parking spaces, and leave their construction crap laying all over the place. I hate construction workers. How much? If I owned a restaurant I'd refuse to serve any construction workers, that's how much.

So it gives me an enormous amount of pleasure to drive through the construction zone in the front of my campus. They have been "working" on that thing for about 8 weeks now and so far I can't see any changes aside from the ground being torn apart. There is a lot of dirt and dust in that area, and every morning it gives me a great thrill to see the big brown cloud in my rear view mirror.

As a bonus, the workers have to stop what they are doing to let me pass. I take my sweet ass time, going about 3 miles an hour, just to make sure I maximize the annoyance. As many times as I've been inconvenienced by these jerks, they can take a little of their own back. They can deal with the frustration of someone else making their job a little harder.

I smile all the way to my office.


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