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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Grocery Stores

I have seen an alarming trend taking place in our grocery stores - people who linger at the check-out counter.

More than once this week I have been checking out and the person in front of me (or two spaces in front of me) can't seem to figure out that once their transaction is done they need to get out of the way. Those of us behind them can only go one way, forward, and if their fat ass is blocking the exit than it creates problems.

So for those of you who can't seem to figure it out, it goes like this. Slide your card, write your check, or have your cash ready so when the total comes up you can pay as quickly as possible. Get your cart or grab your bags and move out of the way. Don't stand there and balance your checkbook, count your change, or finish up your cell phone conversation (don't even get me started on that). Just move! All right, put one foot in front of the other and move, move, move.

And if this is too hard for you to figure out, don't get upset when those of us with brains tell you to move. Don't give us evil looks and murmur stupid insults under your breath, YOU'RE the one causing the problem. YOU'RE the one blocking the way, thus YOU'RE the one in the wrong. And if you keep it up, YOU'RE going to find my foot up your ass.


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

I haven't noticed "lingering" too often, though it is certainly annoying when it happens.

But you made me think of another related thing that REALLY gets my goat. When people leave their grocery carts at the counter.

What the hell is that!? Not once was the person crippled in anyway that it was difficult for them to move the cart... to take... oh I don't know... what is it I'm thinking of... ah... some RESPONCIBILITY for the cart they used.

It isn't as though they left it in an out of the way place either. They leave it directly in the way.

I simply cannot understand how somebody can have such a lack of consideration. Bu that's people these days, selfish, inconsiderate, irresponsible, and most of all stupid.

I try so hard to be a peaceful person and not be angry all the time but they make it... soooo.... difficult.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I haven't dealt with that yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. The thing that gets me is checks. Who still writes checks? The little old ladies I get behind, that's who!

4:23 PM  

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