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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Old Grind

It was a wonderful weekend. I rode 25 miles without hurting myself, I have a brand new water pump on my car, the laundry is done, the house is clean, cookies were baked, friends were visited, and naps were taken.

If you have never been to a bicycle race I have to say you aren't missing much. It was nice to see my friend compete (she didn't win, but she didn't lag behind, either), but other than that it wasn't very exciting. The most interesting thing happened as we were leaving. The super-duper, die hard, hard-ass riders were racing when we left. We could hear their bikes before we saw them, they sounded like a swarm of locusts, then WHOOOOSH, they passed us in a hurried blur, a stiff breeze followed in their wake. They were probably going 30 - 40 mph. If someone wrecked it would have been an ugly scene. No one did. Oh well.

I made some kick-ass cookies (orange with dark choc. chips) and a delish spaghetti sauce from the cookbook my co-worker gave me. I'm giving the cookies away left and right because if I keep them at home I'll eat them all. Can't do that until after the MS. After a big ride like that I can sleep and eat as much as I want. Two weeks and counting.


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