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Friday, February 08, 2008


SPOILER: If you have not watched the last two new episodes of LOST you may want to skip this blog.

I'm a big fan of LOST. I've watched it since the first episode. I really like the show, it's well written, fast paced, and mysterious enough to keep everyone guessing. The season fanale last year was one of the greatest I've ever seen.

But, after having watched the last two episodes of this season I have one thing to say: LOST better start answering some fucking questions!!

When this season started I had many questions; how did Kate and Jack get back? Who else came back? Who was in that coffin? Did Clair and the baby get off the island? Who's boat is that? How did Neome know who Desmond was if that wasn't Penny's boat? Is Jack's father still alive? Who did Kate have to get back to? Why does Jack think they have to get back? What happened to Ben?

Many questions, and of those many are still unanswered. Oh, wait, we know who was one the boat now. Yeah, and LOST answered that question with the barest of answers. Who's on the boat? People looking for Ben.

Gee, thanks! So, um, why are they looking for Ben? Who are they? How did they know about him if he's been on that island since he was a boy? Where was that picture taken? How does Ben know them so well? Who's Ben's man on the boat, providing that's the truth. Who the hell is Miles? Why did they all freak out when flight 815 was found? How did the pilot manage to land that chopper? Why was he so hurt? Why was that chick wearing kevlar?

Yeah, an answer that spawns many questions is no answer at all.

Now I'm all for suspense and leading an audience along to the point they can't stand it. But you'd better have a big-ass pay-off when all's said and done. The producers of LOST should understand that an audince will only be dragged along so far. Once they begin to feel they will never have a pay-off for thier loyalty, that loyalthy drops pretty damn fast. I'm already tired of it. Every episode spawns 100 questions and answers 3. I don't like that. And I don't want to have to wait until the last fucking episode to have all the answers revealed at once. By then it won't be worth it. I won't care. Why? Because I don't like my entertainment to be frustrating. I get enough of that in my own life.

I'm giving it one more episode and then I'm done. Yep, done. We still don't have answers from the first damn season!! Um, black smoke anyone? Now we have more story lines than a face has wrinkles. If the next episode isn't satisfying I'm losing LOST.


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