Broke the Barrier!

I have been trying to get down past 165 for the last two months. I work my ass off in derby, I've been watching what I eat, and I have stayed away from sugar and alcohol. Today I stepped on the scale and low and behold, I am 162! Yay me!
I know most girls don't want to post their weight for the entire world to see, but I don't care. I'm gorgeous! I have curves in the right places and enough flesh on those curves to look healthy. I don't care if I lose any more weight, my personal goal was to get past 165. My husband loves the way I look, and judging by the looks I get on the street sometimes others like it as well. I don't suffer from a poor body image.
I don't know if it's because of derby or because of watching other gorgeous women continually put themselves down but I have broken the habit of obsessing about my looks. There is nothing worse than watching a pretty girl put herself down or spend an exorbitant amount of money on beauty products she doesn't need. Today's society tells us that we have to spend a lot of money in order to look healthy, young, and fresh. BULLSHIT!
You idiots that buy into this crap are just that, idiots. Every woman can be beautiful if she has one thing - love for herself. A woman who loves herself is not going to obsess over 2 pounds or spend dollar after dollar on the latest beauty fad. A woman who loves herself is not going to let others put her down, no matter who that person is. A woman who loves herself is going to feel good from the inside out, thus she will look good. She will carry herself like a woman in love - with herself. Now, there are those who take that love just a bit too far. Those are called bitches. But you must be careful because some bitches are bitches because they hate themselves. It's a fine line.
Where am I going with this? Oh yes, because I am happy I feel beautiful. Because I feel beautiful I AM beautiful. See how that works? And those of you out there who don't agree with me can kiss my lovely, curvaceous ass.
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