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Thursday, May 08, 2008


This is my 666th post!

In celebration of this epic milestone I set about doing evil things. I saw a puppy and I thought, "I'll kick it!" But it was so cute and defenseless I couldn't do it. So I kicked it's owner instead. Who leaves a puppy outside the library on a rainy day?

But that wasn't evil enough. Today the final grades for my classes had to be put into the system by noon. I decided to wait until after the deadline. Ha, in one fell swoop I would be evil to 264 people, bwa-ha-ha! So I put them in at 1pm. Then I found out the deadline has been extended until tomorrow. Crap.

I could be really evil to my derby girls but those bitches would get me back. I can't be evil to my husband because I loves him.

So I resorted to making decaf coffee and putting it in the regular pot. HA! I know, I'm pathetic, but I really don't have any evilness in me. Well, that's not true, but if I'm truly evil it will only come back to bite me in the ass.

So if you've done something evil today, please share! Evil thoughts? Evil deeds? Evil road rage? Let me know, this is the post to do it!


Blogger Matto the Hun said...

Hey lady,

Sorry I haven't done anything evil, though I had some chili and it's doing some evil things to my guts and making some evil smelling gas.

Thanks again for the heads up on Tom Waits. By now I've gone and found out everything I can about the tour including this press conference video.

Unfortunately, letting me know about the tour has put you in an "evil deficit". I'm not sure there's anything you can do that's evil enough to get out of it short of morphing into Dick Cheney.

5:37 PM  

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