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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, May 05, 2008


If you live in St. Louis and like movies with creatures and animatronics than check out the latest exhibit at the Science Center, Monsters. I was invited to a special showing last Friday night. I took my nephew and brother-in-law. They have a lot of things for kids to do. Don't expect to stay all day, after about half an hour I was done, but it is a really nice exhibit. At the party they had free food and beer, face painting, music, and you could meet the people responsible for bringing the creatures to life. My nephew was most excited about the free ice cream sandwiches. Ah, children.

I did receive some sad news this weekend. My great Aunt Betty died. She was very ill, she finally succumbed to pneumonia. She was a great lady with a very kind heart and the prettiest face I've ever seen. She will be missed.

I still managed to have a fantastic weekend. The ladies of the Pink team came over and we worked on tutus for the May 31 Rookie Rumble. Nothing like beer, food, friends, and 58 yards of tulle to make a good time. It was nice. Hubby came home Sunday from his 100-mile, 3-mountain bike ride. How was it? His words, "If I ever say I want to do this ride again just take a crowbar and hit me in the face as hard as you can."

This Saturday, May 10, is our Beach Blanket Derby bout. I'm very excited. This time I am not bout director so I will actually get to see the game. Usually I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. We're expecting over 1,000, so if you'd like to come, come early.



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