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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, November 21, 2005

Wine, Wine, Wine, Wine

We had a blast on Saturday! The weather was gorgeous and the crowd wasn't that bad. We drove to Hermann, MO, and found the inky-dinky visitor center to get our tickets. Each winery was featuring a certain food, then serving a signature wine to go with it. After that, you could immerse yourself in the regular wine tasting room. We got our tickets and proceeded to drink out way back to St. Louis.

The best was Stone Hill Winery, they served a dessert thingy with a cream sherry to die for. The worst wine was at Hermanof. They served turkey with a cherry sauce, which was good. But the wine tasted like rancid meat mixed with puke.

Hubby told me not to buy that much wine, I ended up with four bottles. Hey, don't tell an intoxicated woman not to shop. Six wineries, four bottles, I think I restrained myself pretty well. I wasn't going to buy the Jazz Berry, but then the guy gave us chocolate. It was over then, tasted like a chocolate covered cherry.

It was nice to have a day with two strong, entertaining women who aren't afraid to have a good time, or spend all their time worrying about what other people think or how they are presenting themselves to society. We were in our own little world and it was gooooood. The next day I had a mysterious calf injury and my sister hurt her hip. Fun was had by all.

In February they are doing the Chocolate Lovers Wine Trail. Yeah, baby!!!

Hubby and I saw Harry Potter on the big ol' IMAX screen. Worth it. The movie was very good, I enjoyed the humor as well as the action scenes. For those of you who have read the book, you know there is A LOT of stuff going on in that book. Putting it all on screen would have been quite an undertaking. The stuff they left out didn't affect the story that much. It was done very well. I couldn't help it, I cried when (don't want to ruin it) died. Just a little, just a tear or twelve. The actor who played Mad Eye Moony did an excellent job.

Back to the grindstone, I have to shove five days worth of work into three.


Blogger xodiaq said...

Only six wineries? Wow... you'd have been in real trouble at the Virginia Wine Festival... we were. 14 wineries, two breweries and a cigar tent. We left that day with two cases of wine and decent sunburns.
: }

12:28 PM  

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