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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hack, Hack, Cough, Wheeze

I'm still a bit sick, but I saw this and I have to say something. The 911 operators should be held 100% accountable for the death of this lady. I know they get prank calls and calls that aren't emergencies, but to ignore a call is totally inexcusable. If you don't want to handle a bunch of calls, why the hell would you work for 911? I know the operators will hide behind their lawyers and their city worker's badges and insist they did nothing wrong, but the blood of this lady is on them and them alone. I don't see how they can look at themselves in the mirror.

Didn't we learn anything from the case of a boy who was beaten to death on a city street and 911 operators ignored more than 25 calls about it? Why aren't those women in jail?


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