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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wolf! Wolf!

I just heard a story that literally makes my blood boil. There is a girl, we'll call her Elizabeth (I hate that name). Lizzy decides to go to California and while she's there she parties hard. Really hard. She ends up sleeping with a guy she barely knows and this man ends up giving her herpes.

She then spends two weeks with her boyfriend and passes on the gift that keeps on giving.

When she returns to St. Louis she takes ill and discovers the result of her free-for-all vacation. So what does she do? She cries rape.

Let me tell you something, it is hard enough for women who have been raped to get any sort of justice in this country without having to combat all the lying whores along the way. Rape is NOT an excuse, it is a crime. A major one. For a women to cry rape just so she can hide her lies is a slap to the face for those of us who've been there.

Rape changes a woman's life. Not just with the obvious lack of trust and paranoia, but inside. A woman questions herself and her actions, she tries to find a way she could have prevented it, she thinks that maybe it's her fault. Then she accepts the fact that she was a victim and with that comes all the anger and rage. She lashes out at anyone who gets too close, and as for men, Ha! She can't trust men and never will. She feels a pang of fear and anger when she sees anyone who resembles her rapist. Some have nightmares. Some become so afraid they barricade themselves in their own world for fear of getting hurt again. They change the way they view the world. They alter their behavior. Some finally learn to live with it or let go. I'm sad to say that some women never reach that point, they are forever trapped in a world of betrayal and guilt.

Elizabeth lied so her daddy and her boyfriend wouldn't know she was a slut. Well, doesn't that justify it? I mean, c'mon, she's attempting to ruin the life of an innocent man but that doesn't matter, right, because daddy will still think she's a little angel.

I wish I could get my hands on her because then the little bitch would know what it is to be violated. Crying false rape is one of the most selfish, immature, and heinous things a woman can do. Crying false rape should be a crime and the punishment should be severe.

I'm glad she has herpes. Her decision to sleep around will effect her future. She will think about that one night and her actions for the rest of her days and that, THAT is one thing she will have in common with true rape victims. She will never get away from it and I am GLAD.

To me a girl like her should be erased from the population. She's made it obvious she doesn't deserve to be here. She is human excrement. She is fouler than waste. She is a disappointing bag of flesh that needs to be flushed out. Should I ever meet her it will be my supreme pleasure to make it so.


Blogger DarthImmortal said...

What you should do is come forward and call the DA. Filing false charges is a crime and this bitch deserves jail time for accusing an innocent of rape; not to mention all the damage she is doing to actual rape victims.

But I knew a girl that did this same thing. She was out drinking one night, slept with a stranger and cried rape. Luckily people were there to verify she was lying so the guy did not get put in jail. He was a cop so that would have ruined his career.

Also she was on top; its hard to cry rape when you are on top.

4:40 PM  

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