
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hello All

I didn't know my nephew went on a trip.

Here in St. Louis there was a small matter concerning a dead puppy and one outraged bitch. Apparently the dog died shortly after it's new owner brought it home. Instead of dealing with the fact that nature took it's course, said owner went back to the puppy farmer and proceeded to beat her about the head and face with the dead dog. At trial, which took an hour, the judge found her guilty of assault and could sentence her to 18 months of prison. That's all? 18 months? Obviously this lady has anger issues. It takes a certain kind of cold heart to rub a dead puppy in someone's face. Where is the counseling? How about a psyschiatric evaluation? But this is what blows my mind, after the verdict she showed reporters a picture of her new dog.

How can she be allowed to own a pet? Look what she did with the last one. If her new dog pees on the rug is shegoing to swing it around by its tail? Maybe throw it into a tree or something? Her ownership rights should be revoked. Angry people like that snap at stupid shit (I should know), there's no way I'd led another dog be under her care.


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