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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Strange Dreams Are Made of This

I had a whopper last night. I was with my old friend Fabian, whom I have not seen for a long time. He was an athlete, so we were in an Olympic like atmosphere. There was this mountain thingy that we had to climb (he beat me, of 'course) and once on top we sat down and talked and laughed like we used to. Suddenly I see a KTVI news van flying through the air. It dropped out of sight with a tinny "ting."

The sky grew dark and the wind began to blow. Fabian and I raced down the mountain to get away from the storm. Suddenly I am in a panel van with my husband and we are racing down the city streets trying to get away from the tornado. Our van is pushed over on its side and we skid to a stop into a city bus. Only this bus is full of freaks who come into our van (now more like a motor home) and start to steal our stuff. We yell at them to stop but they won't, so I reach over and break the neck of a young girl to show them I mean business. They start to rattle our van and end up pushing us back onto the road. Hubby and I try to race across a bridge but the tornado is upon us and takes the bridge out from under us. We fall into the water and manage to get out of the van, but the water is full of chunks of lava and burning chuncks of bridge. We manage to make it to the wet lands (yeah, in MISSOURI) and fall onto the shore.

About that time the dog started shining in his sleep and the dream was gone. Can't say I missed it.


Blogger Issy said...

Good lord! That definately beats my soy bean cultivator dream that I had last night! And I thought my dreams were a little half cocked!

11:43 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Soy bean cultivator? Oh, I gatta hear about that.

10:40 AM  

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