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Location: St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Got Your Stem Cell Right Here!

Last night I drove home from work using a route I don't take often. At a busy intersection a group of people stood on the corner holding signs. I couldn't see the signs as they faced away from me. When the light turned green I saw a group of people on the other corner as well. Their signs I could read.

"Vote NO on Amendment #2."
"Amendment #2 is abusive to women."

Amendment #2 deals with stem cell research. If you want stem cell research, you vote yes. If you don't want it, you vote no.

I had my window rolled down so I put my hand out the window and gave these sign holders the finger. I wiggled it around just so they'd be sure to see it.

How in the hell is stem cell research abusive to women? Do these people know that the research takes place in a lab? Under a microscope? Stem cells aren't "born" and have no gestation period. Idiots.

I'm sure these people were of the religious sort. At least, the big cross they were waving around gave that indication. So they are saying that stem cell research is unholy and against God. Well I have a question for you.

Christians say that God has a plan for every person on this planet and that plan was in place long before the person was born. God controls everything, right? So how has 50+ years of research escaped his attention? Is it possible that God gave these men the ability to initiate stem cell research because it's a way man can help himself? You think He's just a little tired of having to do EVERYTHING? Stem cell research didn't just appear one day. Scientists have spent their whole lives getting to this point. So if God is all seeing and all controlling and these guys haven't been reduced to dust yet, maybe God WANTS stem cell research, no?

In my opinion this isn't about God, it's about science. Praying for cures from illnesses hasn't been working out too well, has it?

What I really loved was one of the girls had a big pink ribbon attached to her shirt. Ah, breast cancer, one of the diseases that can benefit from stem cell research. The irony is killing me.


Blogger Issy said...

Argh! I am so glad you brought up this subject. Stem cell research and the ability to apply it is one of the most remarkable breakthroughs of our century.

The men and women that have dedicated their whole careers to this should be commended. What about that guy that just happened to come across a moldy piece of bread and found a way to help prevent infection. . .was it something to maybe have to do with Antibiotics or Penicilin? Why didn't anyone pray for that? Like you said, God has given us the tools to help ourselves.

People like that scare me because they have no intentions of moving forward in life at all. They choose to be stagnant like that nasty pond that is infested with West Nile Virus carrying mosquitos!

10:57 AM  

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