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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, September 25, 2006

I Have No Snappy Title

For those of you not living in the metro St. Louis area, here is a little news story that is sure to chill your heart.

As a writer I have taught my brain to misbehave. I hunker down with the dark and disturbing in an attempt to make a living. I research murderers and rapists. I know that humans are capable of great cruelty and coldness, but even I was shocked to hear what this woman did. Not only what she did, but the fact that she did it to her own cousin. This woman killed four children and one adult, then lied about it to her family. Her boyfriend turned her in. If he hadn't, this psycho-killer would still be free.

How devoid of emotion do you have to be to drown three children in a bathtub, stuff them in a washer and dryer, stab your cousin and render her unconscious, rip open her abdomen, take out her baby (killing it in the process), then gather the family around to mourn the death of your "newborn." That's balls, ladies and gentlemen, big a church bells. Her bond is $5 million dollars. I'm glad none of her family will be able to get her out of jail. She'd probably run.

If there were ever an argument for the death penalty I think this is it. Why should this creature be allowed to live? Do you think therapy and some time in jail is going to solve whatever deep emotional problems this woman has? There is no excuse for this, this wasn't a crime of passion or a spur-of-the-moment killing. It takes at least 4 minutes to drown a person. They tend to struggle, one has to hold a person down to make sure they die. And cutting into a womb is not an easy task. One has to clean themselves up after a thing like that. This woman is depraved, devious, and dangerous. She deserves to burn in hell.


Blogger Issy said...

I was worried that this broad had the same bail as Shannon Torez who kidnapped baby Abbey. Her's was set at $1 million. When I just read that she had a $5 million, I thought about it a bit and wondered why they put a limit on her bond at all. I agree with you about her burning in hell. Someone like that has no remorse so what's the point of letting her rott in jail and what's worse, we have to pay the taxes on it.

12:04 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

How about instead of this bitch burning in hell we burn her alive? It is hard for me to argue against the death penalty with people like this in the world.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

True, true. Actually, I think they should burn her alive, then put her in an economy sized dryer and turn it on for an hour. How's that sound?

10:19 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I like the way you think. You should run for Prosecutor.

12:40 AM  

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