
Welcome to the random ramblings of a scattered mind.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Meaner Than a Junkyard Dog

I am in a rotten mood today. I think it has to do with driving to work. All the construction that has half this city closed off has forced all the horrible back-road drivers to take the main routes. Between the old people who can't drive more than 30mph and the make-up whores who can't drive at all to those fucking assholes on their cell phones who think they are so damn important my blood pressure is spiking.

Just drive your damn car, alright? It isn't a salon or an office or even on auto-pilot. That round thing in front of you steers the car and in order for it to work your hands actually have to be on it. That little stick thing on the left of that big wheel is called a "signal." It's polite and necessary for you to use this when you want to make a turn. And if you know your turn is coming don't slam on your brakes at the last minute and then look amazed when those of us behind you give you hand gestures.

You can not talk and drive, alright? You can't. Your little, tiny brain can't take it. It's overtaxed trying to do two or three things at once. We, the public, do not give a DAMN about what is going on in your life and we WILL NOT excuse you for driving like a fucking idiot. I just wish the cops felt the same way.

And for FUCK'S SAKE it's just a cop pulling someone over for speeding, there is no need to slow your car to a crawl and inspect the scene for every little piece of information you hope to get just so you can tell your co-workers you saw a cop today. Weee! A real cop doing his job, how RARE. How unbelievably MUNDANE!

I'm so sick of this city. I'm sick of the noise and the traffic. It stinks. I'm so glad we are leaving it next week. If I had any say-so in the matter we would never come back.



Blogger Issy said...

Sounds like you are MORE than ready for your trip to Savannah!

1:33 PM  

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