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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Silent Hill - A Review

A couple of years ago hubby and I played a game called Silent Hill. We'd played Resident Evil so the horror-game thing was not new to us. Resident Evil was pretty scary in the fact that things jumped out at you (the crows!) and you didn't know what's around the next corner. Silent Hill had that, too, and a whole lot more. The game was disturbing, horrible, and sick.

The premise is a little girl has gone lost in the town of Silent Hill. The town is deserted save for the creatures and demons that roam it's streets killing and eating anything that crosses their paths. You, as the girls mother/father, have to navigate this town, find the clues, stay away from the monsters, solve the mystery, kill the bad guys, and rescue your kid.

The movie follows the same lines, but they changed it a bit.

The movie was great. The set designers and cinematographers nailed the look of it. It was unbelievable, literally the game come to life. The movement and look of all the monsters was dead on (pardon the pun). The director took great pains to make sure the movie stayed as true to the game as possible, and that made it 10 times worse (in a good way). However, they also told a great story that anyone, game player or not, could follow and understand. At the end of the game I was totally confused about what happened, but the movie had a great ending that was also easily understood. You don't have to know a thing about the game in order to enjoy the flick.

For those of you who have played the game but have not seen the movie it isworth it. The characters will entertain you and there is enough new story to keep you interested. I would suggest not watching it with young children. Hell, anyone under 13 and easily creeped out may not want to see this film.

I think the fact that children are involved in something this sick is what gets me. To walk into a school and see bloody chains hanging from the ceiling, blood smeared walls, operating tables, and cages makes one go, "eh?" You don't see what happened, you just see the aftermath. In the movie things happen to this one little girl that are ....I don't have a word for how disturbing it is.

Good story line, great actors, fantastic sets, and wonderful effects, this movie gets two thumbs up from me.


Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I totally agree with you, Silent Hill was one of the better horror movies of the year. I liked it so much that I bought it when it arrived to DVD a couple of months ago. The special features on the DVD are also very tasty.

2:49 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I loved the way they dedicated so much time to making sure the creatures moved correctly. I would have hated to wear one of those suits, though. Tight...spaces......can't...BREATHE!

9:50 AM  

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