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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, June 27, 2008

St. Louis Cops are Getting on My Nerves!

Yesterday I left the house extra early so I decided to take Hwy 55 into work. Usually at that time traffic is pretty sparse. However, yesterday some lady decided to take a nose dive off the highway and land her SUV head first onto First street. She died. The two kids with her were injured.

Now, I'm all sympathetic about some stupid lady probably talking on a cell phone taking herself out, but why the hell did the cops have to close 3 lanes of Hwy 55? The wreckage was on First St. There was no logical reason to filter four lanes of morning rush hour traffic into one. Not unless you count the cops egos needing that much space. Dumbasses.

Then last night after a grueling practice all I wanted to do was go to sleep. But oh no, a cop helicopter was looking for something and taking it's sweet-ass time in doing so. Around and around it circled our neighborhood, it's chopper blades just twirling and twirling. After 45 minutes I finally managed to get to sleep, I have no idea how long the fucker stayed up there. I hope the damn thing ran out of gas, but I didn't hear an explosion so I'm thinking no.

And cops wonder why we don't like them. It's bad enough I have to watch the cops in my neighborhood drive like a bunch of fucking maniacs knowing I can't do a damn thing about it, but now they have to fuck with my day in other ways? Bastards!


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