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Friday, August 01, 2008

Men Are Stupid

Why can't a man comfort a woman? That's what this whole problem between hubby and I has been about. It's not hard. Here's the key - when a woman is feeling down (and it's not your fault) be nice to her.

That's it.

Don't come up with excuses or just keep on doing what you always do, go out of your way to be nice.

Now, some men may not know what being nice to a woman means. So here are a few ideas for those of you who are completely clueless:

*Buy her flowers
*Buy her alcohol
*Take her to dinner
*Make her laugh
*Sit next to her, put your arm around her, and talk to her about the problem
*Make love to her
*Take a walk with her
*Watch a sappy chick flick
*Invite her friends over (provided you know which friends to invite. This one is for those men who really, really know his wife's friends.)
*If you have children, take charge and give her a break

You getting the idea? I certainly hope these tips will help you avoid the terrible consequences of not being nice to your woman when she is upset. Trust me, it ain't pretty.


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