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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Going on Vacation!

Woo-ha! Woo-ha! Me and the man need some time alone - no video games, no derby, no work. I am so excited about going back to Savannah and seeing my friends. It's going to be hot down there but I don't care, that's what the beach is for.

There's something about going home that soothes the soul. Everything is familiar yet I can notice the small changes that have taken place since I've been gone. The familiar food on the tongue, the familiar smells in the air - all right where I left them. But my evenings will be spent laughing over new stories. I can't WAIT!

I just wish we could take the dog with us. He, the cat, and the house will be taken care of while we're gone, but I really wish he could go with us. It would be hell for us and the dog if we trapped him in a car for 12 hours. I did it once with two cats and trust, once is enough.

I need a break from St. Louis. The flooding, the Im Bev hostile take-over, the friends with issues I can't solve, all of it is getting left behind. No more MetroLink, no more dumb-ass South county driving, no more fucking fireworks! July 4th is over, enough already!

So Ta, y'all. See you in a week.


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