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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I just got off the phone with my old boss in Savannah. I'll call her The Bitch. Now, that's not a negative moniker at all. When I started working for The Bitch I was a soft, docile little thing when it came to business. A year later I was a formidable task-master who got what she wanted. All because of The Bitch. The day I had to tell The Bitch I was leaving was very hard. Not only was she my boss but one of my closest friends.

The Bitch is one of the only people who can put it to me straight and I don't get insulted. When I'm acting like a ninny she calls me on it. She values my opinion and she always listens to what I have to say before giving me her reply/opinion. She is also one of the only people I know, without a doubt, would have my back in any situation. From bail money to rescuing incriminating photographs, she's my girl.

So when I go back to Savannah I HAVE to see The Bitch. Being around her I laugh constantly. She and I just click, you know? Even though it's been over a year since I've seen her we get along like it's been a few days. There are few people who make me feel as comfortable and loved as she does. We have a date to float on the small creek (next to her gorgeous house) drinking vodka and lemonade. Now that's a vacation.


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