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Location: St. Louis, MO

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Another day, Another $.01

Good Lord, y'all.

The world's gone crazy, people are wearing flip-flops to the White House. Personally, I have found flip-flops to be tacky at any occasion not having to do with a shower or a pool. C'mon, guys, feet are ugly. You got bulbous toes, banana toes, corns, bunions, yellow toenails...who wants to see that? It doesn't matter how many rhinestones you glue on, they're still bad fashion. I saw a girl on campus with a beautiful black dress on. Her hair and make-up were gorgeous. Then there, on her feet, were flip-flops with big, black flowers glued onto them. Ugly, just plain ugly. Anyone wearing flip-flops to a formal occasion should be turned away at the door.

Oh, and you ignoramus who wear socks with your flip-flops, go back and drown in the shallow gene pool from whence you came.

When I think of flip-flops I see a 350 pound woman stretching out an Elvis T-shirt with curlers in her hair, a cigarette in her mouth, two snot-nosed kids at her side, and a big rose tattoo distorted across her right breast.

Enough. I came to work today wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Hey, it's summer. Anyway, I'm not looking my best. When I get to work I realize that I have a lunch with the PR chick at the Radisson Hotel. Shit! Should I fly home and change clothes, go out and buy new ones, cancel? I don't even have earrings on. So I'm sitting in my office in a panic when I look at my calendar. It's next Wednesday. Duh!


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