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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Saga Continues

Alissa went home last night. She came home to a spotless house, a cooked meal, a very attentive boyfriend, and a happy kid. Seems things are looking up.

I, being a cynical, untrusting, grudge-holding wench, will reserve judgment until it appears this behavior will be a continued occurrence. It's so easy for us to slip back into our old behaviors. I should know, it took my husband forever to break me of some of my bad habits. I do hope that this is a turning point in Alissa's relationship, she deserves to be treated like a Queen.

My sister hooked up with a guy I wasn't very fond of, but over time he has proven to be a pretty good match. He's a good guy. I think he is good to L and a good father for her son. He is in no way my type, but I'm not my sister. It's good to see that she is finally happy. She had a lot of--Oh, son of a bitch! I just ran over my own toe with my own chair. Christ almighty does that sting...hold on...doing pain dance...ok, much better now. Anyway, my sister has hooked up with some A-1 class losers. Hey, we all have them in our past. There are a few men in my past I'd love to erase. So when she first met M I was very leery, my sister has a bad habit of falling hard, fast. For the first few years it was a bit rocky. Y'all know I'm the type who does not forgive. There ain't no three strikes, you get one strike and two chances to perform a miracle. But M is a pretty good guy. Big. A whiz with computers.

I have another friend, we'll call him G, who met, courted, and married a girl in less than a year. I'm still holding out on that one. I don't know "I", his wife, very well. "I" was raised in a very messed-up household. "I" and G are kind of from different places. But, G is happier than I've ever seen him, so "I" must be doing something right. Maybe it's because she's too quiet. She doesn't cuss, and that's just not natural. I don't think she drinks very much, either, and she's from the South!

I'm halfway through Harry Potter. I'm not going to spoil anything for anybody, but Harry is a long way from that gangly, comical boy he was in the first book.


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