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Location: St. Louis, MO

Monday, July 25, 2005

Another Weekend Doing Crap

I was as lazy as lazy can be this weekend. It's the heat and lack of funds. My parents came into town and we had dinner Sat. night. The restaurant we picked was extremely loud, so we really didn't have a chance to talk to each other until afterwards, when we went to my sister's. It was fun.

We had a really good time and I realized, somewhere in between playing Crocodile Smile and having my nephew nearly rip his mother's fingers off, that I miss being around my sister. Our lives really aren't that different. I should make a conscious effort to spend more time with her. My nephew will be starting school this year, so things should get really interesting.

I read about the Unions have a problem. I don't like Unions. In the days that they were formed children were being crushed to death by heavy machinery and men were being forced to work in conditions not fit for rats. The companies were making a fortune off of cheap labor and people were dying on the job at a regular pace. There was no insurance, and the companies could fire anyone for anything with no explanation needed. It was bad. The Union was formed and things got a lot better.

Now, the usefulness of Unions has passed. Now, Unions are full of fat, lazy dogs who want to get paid a lot of money for sitting around on their asses. Oh, not everyone, I know, but c'mon, how many times have you seen a bunch of workers sitting around the water cooler and muttered to yourself, "Must be Union." These days, the Union has become just as ruthlessly corporate as the monsters that spawned them all those years ago. When we had our Grocery Strike a few years ago, the Union came up with a solution just one day before they would have had to start paying out benefits. Coincidence? Unions are just as selfish and self-serving as the next corporate giant.

Now Unions paralyze the workforce. If you want to construct anything, you can't just go out and hire a bunch of honest, hard-working men to do it for you. Oh no, you have to hire Union or else they'll picket your site and smear your name all over the papers. In order for a tradesman to get work, he has to join a Union he doesn't necessarily want to be a part of. How is this helping?

Unions need a big, fat shake-down. They need to be reminded that they were formed to help, not hinder, the workers. The fat, cigar-smoking, whore-screwing CEO's of the Union need to realize that they have become the very thing their forbearers were fighting against.

In other news that pisses me off: the MO smoking ban has been put on the back burner. MO is the #1 smoking state in this country. We smoke more cigarettes than three other states combined. These assholes managed to fuck around long enough to miss the deadline for a vote. Now, this bill has to wait another year. I hope in that year all those fuckers get cancer and die. I hope their major organs turn to goo. I hope they have coughing fits so severe they burst blood vessels in their brains and become vegetables. Die, die, die!

We watched "Suan of the Dead" this weekend, too funny. I recommend it highly. Alissa watched "White Noise". She says to avoid it at all costs. I still want to see "The Chocolate Facotry." I finished reading the latest Harry Potter book but no one else has, I have no one to discuss this with! I think I figured out who "R.A.B." is, but no one cares.


Blogger frangelico77 said...

Charlie and the chocolate factory is really good. I like it, even considering the old version is my favorite movie. The kids were excellent. I find that now adays if the kid actors are bad, it really ruins the movie(example- phamtom menace stars wars).
I am almost done reading harry Potter, at the part when (you-know-who) dies. but i forgot to bring my book today so i can't read during lunch.

12:24 PM  
Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

Bummer. Nice to hear from ya. Let me know when you finish.

9:30 AM  

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