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Location: St. Louis, MO

Friday, July 22, 2005

Mamma's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be...

Guess where my sister took her son today? To jail. She took him to see where all the bad people live. They don't get to go outside and they don't get chocolate mile. Hey, you gotta hit them where it hurts. I think B-Butt is getting the point.

So the Patriot Act got extended. Now we're all fucked. With Bush's rating being at 41%, I guess he wants to mess up this country as much as he possibly can before we boot him out on his ass.

We are broke. We get paid today and we're already broke, that's how poor we are. Car insurance, house payment, home-owners, and medical bills all came due at the same time. There will be no purchases outside of food and gas made for the next two weeks. So of'course, now is the time that I want to go shopping. I despise shopping, I don't do it very often, but knowing I can't makes me want to. Hey, I'm a woman.

It is icky-sticky hot today. I have to walk across campus for lunch and I am seriously considering starving. I used to not sweat very much, but since I started drinking those 8 glasses of water a day and exercising regularly, I burst out in condensation the moment I step outside. Ugh. Aside from seeing my parents this weekend, my plans are to stay inside. I have a lot of painting and purse making to do.


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