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Thursday, January 11, 2007

And the Fun Continues

Please keep arms and legs inside the ride at all times.

I've decided that my appetite is not coming back. This is not a bad thing. When I was younger (and not on the Pill) I didn't eat very much. Oh, I ate, but there were rarely seconds and my portions were small. I'm back to that now. I like it, I didn't realize I thought about food so much. Now I have more mind space to think about important things, like sex.

However, my boobs are sore. This I don't like. No woman should have to cry when they put their bra on. I'd walk around with my boobs in my hands all day if I could get away with it. Hubby is getting his hand smacked again if he tries to fondle the girls. How long is THIS going to last?

I had a very bad headache last night, the first since going off the Pill. I'm hoping it was because I stared at a computer screen all day. I held out and did not take the migraine meds, just plain ol' Tylenol. Seemed to do the trick. I'm so afraid this could be the beginning of a migraine storm. I don't want that. I turn into a royally depressed bitch when that happens. Yes, worse than usual!

Happy Thursday everyone.


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