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Location: St. Louis, MO

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Someone vandalized Stonehenge!

This disgusts me to no end. Vandalize our modern buildings and artworks all you want, but to attack an ancient artifact is sacrilege in my eyes. Thousands of years. Those stones have been around for thousands of year and some piece of shit feels he has the right to take a chunk of it.

Enraged! Those stones survived the Druids, the Romans, the Danes, and the French. If our selfish, rotten society spawns demons who feel they can do whatever they want to our relics there won't be anything left for our children.

Only a sick, depraved individual would do such a thing. I hope they find these leeches and bring back public hangings. After they institute public beatings. Not since Christ carried his cross down the street would the public see such brutality! Skinning them alive would be too good for them.



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